Chapter 2

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Christmas Eve:
It was now Christmas Eve morning and I was beginning to dread Christmas day. Arthur would still not talk to me. I decided to take my little cousin to see Santa.

Whilst out:
"Alex! Can I please go to Santa's grotto now?!" Asked my little cousin, Laylah.
"Yes." I smiled, grabbing hold of her hand and leading her to Santa's grotto. We waited and eventually it was our turn. We both went in and I took a seat. She ran up to Santa.
"Santa!!" She smiled, hugging him.
"Hello!" He smiled, sitting her down on his lap, "So what do you want for Christmas?"
"What I want for Christmas is for my Mommy and Daddy to get along again!" She said, softly.
"That is a wonderful wish. And what is your name?" He asked.
"Laylah." She said.
"Well, Laylah, I will be stopping by your house very soon." He smiled. She giggled.
He then reached for a present and gave it to her. She jumped up and down in excitement.
"Thank you, Santa!" She smiled, a gummy smile spreading across her face.
"Ho Ho Ho!" He smiled. We left. Once I'd dropped her back home, I went back home too.

Arthur wasn't home.
"Why am I not surprised?" I sighed to myself, sitting down.  For the rest of the day I just sat down and watched movies.

He was still not back and the skies were now dark. I wrapped up in several layers and went outside to have a Christmasy walk in the snow. In the corner of my eyes, a bright red object glistened. I squinted, turning round. There above me was a sleigh with all the Reindeer and a massive present bag. I nipped myself.
"Nope, not dreaming." I said to myself, shaking my head. I started to smile as a thought swept through my mind. I  ran up to the ladder on the side of a building and climbed up it quickly until I came level with the sleigh. I looked down. I was lots of feet off the ground and I could see the floor below me. I panicked. I took a deep breath and leaped, landing right into the sleigh.
It wasn't going to be long before Santa came, was it? What if it was just some prank an insane local had pulled off? I looked down. The sleigh shook. I jumped in fright and looked up to see Santa sat down beside me, staring right back at me.
"I should go-" I say, awkwardly, edging backwards. My body began to fall backwards and I began to fall down through the sky. I screamed at the top of my lungs, terrified.
"HELP! HELP!" I screeched. I closed my eyes. Thud.

A/N: Trouble seems to chase Alex everywhere but will things amend or will this Christmas end in disaster?

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