four || five years

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"five years"

—— ••◈•• ——

A/N: This chapter will be in a third-person view. 


Everyone around the area were startled when someone shouted. Looking at where it came from, they saw a running child with golden locks that were fluttering in the wind, her jewelled eyes that are filled with innocence. The Emperor's daughter.

Athanasia was running with force towards her father. Despite being chased by a red-headed knight, with a face that is filled with distress. Lilian was behind them as well, trying to reach the carefree child.

Aside from Claude, no one in the whole Empire will know that she has suffered once in the hands of her own father, not even she knows.

Due to it, only Claude is filled with the memories of his stupidity and how his daughter had died after chasing him for countless years only to be rejected again and again. Claude would wake up in the middle of the night, panting, he keeps seeing his child with a dull expression on his face, sometimes he could see her angry face that is meant for him.

Claude was startled when he heard a knock from outside of his office door. He knows mentally that he doesn't have anymore appointments with the nobility.


Claude raised and eyebrow once he heard his daughter's voice from outside. "Come in,"


Claude smiled a little when his five-year-old daughter pushed the doors and smiled brightly at him. He reached out to her, and Athanasia ran towards him and hugged him. Claude pulled her up making her sit on his lap. Looking back at the open doors, he saw his panting red-head knight, Felix, along with Athanasia's nanny, Lilian.

"Did you run again?"

Athanasia who was looking around his desk, stilled on his lap. She had always been lectured of not running around carelessy since it will be dangerous for her, but she always ignored the warnings.

She was supposed to learn her lesson when she accidentally trip, while running, right in front of her father. Claude was surprised to see her on the ground and immediately went up to her, tears were filling the brim of her eyes. And blood was leaking from the small wound on her knee. After the incident, they all thought she'll stop her habit, but she just got back to it and tried to avoid any injuries.


"Have you eaten?" He asked after she refused answering clearly.

Since she was little, Claude had been fully aware of Athanasia's habits of eating desserts anytime of the day. Her most favourite flavour was chocolate.

Everytime Athanasia goes to his office, he will always have milk and snacks prepared for her, while he either do his paperwork or take a break and drink tea.

Sometimes he wonders if she only comes because Lilian York prevents her from eating too much, or she really wanted to greet him.

"Yes, Athy already ate!" She smiled at her Father. 

Claude stared at her for a minute, deciphering if she really doesn't want snacks because she has eaten or the other option. He sighed before standing up while holding her in his arms. Athanasia giggled a little before wrapping her arms around his neck.

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