twenty || annoying brat

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"annoying brat"

—— ••◈•• ——

Countess Rosalia found out about Jennette's situation in the palace and demanded a meeting with the Emperor.

It took weeks to get a response from Him, She was excited to brainwash him, but when she opened the letter, it denied her request for a meeting.

Apparently, the Emperor didn't pay attention to it and dismissed it after weeks of having it on his desk.

She was angry— furious to say the least.

Her plan of convincing the Emperor to take Jennette in is failing. Claude didn't make any announcement of him taking Jennette in as a Princess of the Obelian Empire.

She tried to sweet-talk a few high nobles to join forces with her and support Jennette, but no one wanted to.

Instead, they always divert the topic to Princess Athanasia's accomplishments. It always happens, when Rosalia approaches them and tries to open the topic of supporting the other Princess they divert it immediately.

Months have passed and still, Jennette stays at the palace as a "guest", not as a princess.

The other nobles were confused and inferior to the situation, why have a lady stay so long at the palace, when she's not even taken as part of the imperial family?

During one of the noble meetings, they had in the palace, a noble— who supported Claude during his rebellion to take the throne from the previous tyrant Emperor and now supports the one and only Princess of the Empire, opened up the topic.

"Your Highness, why not let Lady Margarita return to Duke Alpheus' home?"

Roger Alpheus became nervous about what the Emperor would say in response. So he immediately intercepted it.

"She is not Jennette Margarita, the lady is a princess. She should be addressed as Princess Jennette de Alger Obelia the "first princess" of the Empire."

The nobles scowled at him.

"She hasn't been taken in by the Emperor. So she stays as Lady Margarita."

"She has the royal family's jewelled eyes! She has the imperial blood!"

Claude stared at them, fighting, and when he felt irritated, he finally interjected.

"Someone told me, she might be involved in black magic..."

The atmosphere thickened, and a tense silence filled up the room. Soon after whispers started wandering around the nobles, they kept glancing at Roger Alpheus with their judging eyes.

"Your Majesty, t-this is s-slander! You are s-slandering the p-princess!"

Claude's face darkened after hearing Duke Alpheus's statement.

"I didn't convict her, I only said someone said she might be involved in black magic."

A snicker of laughter can be heard between the gossiping nobles about the Duke's current state, if they can they'll bet that not too long Roger Alpheus might lose his title.

Before the Duke can defend himself once again, someone enters the room, and shouts can be heard.

"Lady! You are not allowed to enter!"

"Let go of me! I am the First Princess of Obelia!"

Then they can see Jennette being held back by maids and blocked by Felix.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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