25: An Unappealing Explaination

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+++++++++This chapter contains mature content, I will put a plus sign around it if you want to skip.+++++++++++++

Warren woke in the morning to see Y/n cuddled against his side again. Her face was peaceful. She looked like an angel. He wished they could stay in this moment forever, but he knew that he couldn't. His heart sank upon the realization that she truly didn't love him like he loved her. His eyes dropped down to her pajama shirt and he noticed something odd. Carefully pulling out the paper hidden in her bosom, he opened it and read the quick words. His heart ticked. Something grew in his stomach at the note. My dearest... No. Y/n was his. Whatever they were advancing on was going to be destroyed. He was not going to let his darling go. But why had she been hiding this from him?

Then, a great snow bird landed on the windowsill, holding a letter in it's beak. A letter with the royal insignia.

The owl was from the royal general.


Y/n opened her eyes to darkness. It was very cold in the room. She felt something was wrong, so when she called out, "Warren?" And a long, silent room answered back, she felt her heart speed up.

Getting out of bed, she carefully opened the doors to the bedroom. Listening to the yelling and arguing downstairs, she felt hesitant to leave the room. When boots stomped up the stairs and the door was flung open, she saw him. Enraged. Terrifying. His bloody, unreadable eyes looked her up and down. His face was solemn and stoic. He was wearing a thick coat of fur. Y/n took a step back.

"Warren?" He took a step towards her. The old creaky door closed behind them as he approached her. Eventually she was pushed against the wall and she could feel his face against hers.

"Why... The hell... Are humans attacking Capitol City? Why did my general say that there were spiders and fae on the humans side? Why did you lie to me?" His aggression caused Y/n to flinch. He hadn't spoken to her this cold since the day he tried to kill her during the unity festival.

"I... You... I can expla-" his hand had moved to her face, squishing her cheeks together and causing her face to become fish-like.

"You... You little fucking bitch!" He growled, tightening his hold on her face. His eyes locked on hers, a spark of fear contrasting with the determination in the e/c irises.

"You used me... Damnit!" A tear dripped down his face as he dropped his hand. Y/n fell against the wall, taking a deep breath as he started pacing.

"Warren, I am, uh, n-not just a random human..." She started. He turned to her with tears running down his face and anger in his eyes. She swallowed before continuing.

"My name, it's... Y/n L/n."

"Why is that important?"

"Draconian, Warren Draconian, that name wasn't given to the royal family of Chorras Kiliro until your father married my aunt. In which he claimed his titles as king, then killed the poor woman, taking his favorite concubine to be queen. She gave him an heir." She answered. The room went silent for a minute, then a low, rumbling laugh rang throughout the room.

"And I suppose you're going to take the throne back? I have news for you, sweetheart," he slammed his hands against her shoulders, caging her in place, "I'm the last heir to the throne. I made sure everyone else was killed."

"But you didn't check in Candansa. My mother was a duchess at that time, living life with her beloved husband. Funnily enough, he had earned himself the name Hethero, the Heart Carver. And when his wife was forcefully ripped from his hands to be a concubine in the kingdom that she had run from, he knew what he had to do. He celebrated killing your mother."

"Stop." Warren begged, realizing where things were headed.

"My mother's maiden name was L/n. She was taken forcefully from her home to be a concubine for the late king Ericio, and she was his murderer."

"No! That's a lie!" Warren yelled, shaking his head vigorously while Y/n laughed.

"And you know the best part? I was probably going to be engaged to you. But then your dumb dad took my mom. Effectively destroying any semblance of peace that was left." She finished. Warren roared, charging straight for her, but she used his momentum against him and flung herself out of the way before he could attack again, grabbing a pillow from the bed and hitting him in the face. He growled lowly before ripping it off his face.

"I pillow? Really?" He laughed maliciously before charging at her again.

"Please! I don't want to hurt you!" Y/n yelped, dodging the attack again.

"It's a bit fucking late for that!" He jumped at her. She found herself running into the bathroom and throwing bottles at him. Eventually he caught up to her, gripping her wrist and throwing her into the wall across the room.


"All I wanted was your love and attention, I wasn't forceful. I wasn't malicious or cruel, and yet this is what I get? Maybe I should be! Who cares about your feelings when you've used me like a fucking toy!" He yelled, throwing Y/n on the bed and ripping off the first button of her shirt.

"Warren! Stop!" She begged, pushing him away from her as hard as she could.

"No! You think you can get away with this? You think that I didn't have feelings? And to think, I almost let your pathetic race free. Fuck this shit. I'm the damn emperor! You should've been grovelling before me the minute I met you!" He yelled, his voice was rough and loud, his eyes were betrayed and angry, his tears running down his face were salty and warm. He undid the second button, and the third, ripping the fourth and final button off, "Oh, I've been waiting for this!" He giggled maniacally before attacking her neck in bites and kisses.

"No! Warren stop! Please!" She squirmed, but he shut her up by kissing her mouth. When he pulled away, a strand of saliva attached their lips. His lips curled into an evil smile.

"I hate you." Y/n said, the room fell quiet. The ringing in her ears echoed throughout the small area. Warren's face went stoic again.

"I think that's why I love you." He responded, his voice was no longer harsh, but much more terrifying. The tone in which he spoke was sickly sweet, as if he was talking to a child, "because, my dear little weakling, no matter how much I show you that I am superior in every way possible, you still look down on me... Oh darling..." He hummed, kissing her gently before letting his hands wander towards her exposed breasts. "but no matter how much I try, I can't get you to my level. Maybe this will humble you..." He said before moving down, biting her shoulder until it bled.

"Warren!" Y/n groaned, getting frustrated now. As scared as she was, she couldn't let him know. If he did then he wins. After abusing her chest and leaving hickeys and bight marks everywhere, he eventually let her hands go, forgetting that he was doing this forcefully, because he seemed to be lost in a fantasy. Y/n knew what she had to do.

"Mmn..." She forced out a sultry moan, when Warren heard this, he growled slightly and trailed his hands down to the waistband of her skirt. His hands started tugging at the stupid clothe and grunted when he couldn't get it off. Y/n faked a moan again and his ears pricked up. He slowly got off of her (pulling away from her lips) so he could get the skirt off easier, and that's when Y/n took the opportunity to punch him, sending him reeling back. Then she used her legs to kick him in the face, knocking him out.


She booked it down the stairs and ran passed Elora.

"Elora, if you never see me again, I'm sorry for everything I've done to your family!" She spoke quickly as she ran out the door. The snow had piled up and she shivered in her pajamas, but she ran as fast as she could towards the main road. Not long after did she have the brilliant idea to climb up the trees and jump from one to the other. She heard a roar and froze. It was a low, gutteral sound that she had never heard before, it echoed around the mountain, and she could hear the anger in the sound. Sliding to the ground and hiding behind the trees, she found herself begging to not be found. Sneaking down the road again, she got two miles up before she heard it. The great wings flapping in the distance, only getting closer and closer, she felt the dread in her rise to the surface, ensnaring her like the claws of the red, leathery dragon that had just landed in front of her.

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