5: Atrocities

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+++ This chapter has dark elements that are significant to the story, be advised!+++

The night of the ball was the first time she realized how horrible the problem was down here. Everyone was to gather round as they placed to slaves in a large, round, gated area that had been set up quickly. Pihla was talking to the emperor, who was fully invested in the conversation as Y/n stood right beside her, Leera in hand, as she eyed the warlord stand in the corner. After his teary message, she couldn't get her mind off of him.

The dragons in the court were laughing and acting loudly, trading money back and forth , chatting happily. Two humans were placed on the courtroom floor. A girl, young and tired. Her curly brown hair fell into her eyes and she wore a bruise under her right eye. The other was a crying man, who was begging for his life. The dragons soldiers laughed, pointing spears at the him, he whimpered. A loud sound echoed through the room. Suddenly everyone was yelling and screaming as they were forced at each other. The woman cried, trying to talk sense into the man, but he was passed the point of no return. His hands were on the girls neck, she tried to scream, to kick, to claw her way out, but the man was desperate. Her face was turning purple... Y/n watched in horror.

"This is what happens..." A voice whispered to her, "when someone speaks out of turn." Her eye twitched. Was he really doing this now?

"Unfortunately intimidating me isn't going to do you any good." Y/n said as she turned her eyes away from the gruesome sight. She instead looked for Vareck in the crowd. She came eye to eye with the emperor instead. He was furious as he watched her. One of the humans screamed and Y/n flinched. The sound of horror, like it dawned on the man what he just did, sunk in before their was an uproar of laughter.

"If you will excuse me. I have to go feed Leera." She lied, anything to get her out of there. When she got out, she ran. Her stomach twisted and she could feel bile crawling up her throat. Her eyes were watering and she was to shocked to stop. By the time she did, it was because she ran face to stomach into a child. A boy with brown eyes and hair, she noticed he was crying.

"What's wrong?" She asked him. He cried into her thigh as he held onto her.

"They took mama up... To the big area... Because I said that the emperor was a selfish." He cried. That's when Y/n's eyes widened. The woman upstairs, in the arena- she felt her heart sink. This poor boy's mother... He had to have been at least five. She picked him up and looked him in the eyes. Caressing his face lovingly.

"Hey, your going to be okay. I will make sure of that." She said, stroking his head. He curled into her shoulder and cried more.

"They burst the door of our home down and grabbed her and hitted her," He cried, "then they took her away. One of the guys told me it was because I was a bad boy."

"No you aren't. Your a good boy, a great, wonderful boy." Y/n said, "hush now, let's not dwell on that." She hummed as she held him tight. Her hands felt his ribs, he was clearly starving. She hummed to him as her own body tried not to give out, walking towards her room and running a hand through the boys hair. He was crying into her shirt, no doubt leaving snot and tears. Y/n would regularly be grossed out, but she didn't care this time. As she walked towards her room and opened the door, the little boys tears had soaked a large part of her shoulder. He was quietly crying as his breaths became ragged.

Placing the young boy on the bed and glancing at him, Y/n walked towards her dresser and pulled out a bag.

"Are you hungry?" She asked as she opened the package honey squares, a sweet delicacy in Aske Marent. She tossed the boy the golden candy drops and watched as he chewed the first one. His eyes had gone wide, and through his tears she saw the life in his eyes. She giggled when he took another one.

"Do you want to leave this place?" She asked. The boy nodded his head, eating another chewy honey square.

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Pihla had begged for them to stop the torture. The emperor refused. Surely she didn't mind? It was just a little bloodshed. The man had killed the woman long before he could stop. When the dragons collected the money from the others, they had dispersed, leaving the slaves to clean up the awful mess.

The man who had killed the young woman was curled up in a ball. He had tried to call out to a few humans, but when they ignored him, he understood. Pihla was horrified. No wonder this was a punishment. There was no winning when your race has refused to accept the horrible things you did. The man was ignored by not only dragons, elves, and fae, but by humans too.

When the emperor noticed how horrified the royal of Aske Marent was, he tried to comfort her. She decided to leave that same night.

"I do not feel safe here, I do not feel comfortable here, just because you hate humans does not mean that I do. Goodbye, Emperor." She had spoken as she walked towards the exit.

"Wait! Please!" The emperor ran after her. After hours of grovelling and apologizing, the fae had decided to stay for one night. She would leave in the morning. After talking to Y/n about extracting the human who was asleep in her bed with sticky cheeks from candy and tears, Pihla had decided  that she would stay for two days. However, she would send her maidservant ahead of her the next day. She wished Y/n luck as they left the city.


Y/n entered Aske Marent with the little boy and Leera. She was so stressed about Pihla that when Leera and the little boy had wandered off she didn't notice. Her head was pulsing with anxiety and she was so worried that she passed out. When she woke the doctor had given her herbal tea that relaxed her muscles. Her mind was racing as her body was stuck in bed.

As she was thinking about Pihla, he walked in. Forrest Akatet. Pihla's younger half brother. Y/n has had a crush on him since she was five years old. He looked like a male version of his sister, just slightly more muscular as he was the captain of the guard. His short, curly hair bounced around and his pale green eyes twinkled with worry.

"I don't need to be losing you. I don't want to have another mouth to feed." He smiled, referring to the little boy he held in his hands. The boy was asleep, it looked like he was peacefully dreaming. Leera had jumped onto the bed and curled up by Y/n's feet. Forrest have the cat a sour face before she hissed back at him, swiping at the male. He yelped and jumped back in fear.

"Y'know if I didn't love my sister so much you'd probably be long gone, right?" He grumbled at the cat, who "mrrped" back at the fae. He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"In all honesty," he continued, "please just relax." He begged. The female sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

"I can't rest. I have to go back there." She told him. His face dropped it's smile.

"You can't go." He said grimly.

"I have to. Tomorrow morning, or your sister is pretty much left for dead. Do you want her to sleep with that pig? She will if it means she feels safe. And you and I both know that if that were to happen, all seven arachnid clans would declare war. That would be genocide. I need to go back." She told him. Her determined eyes clashed with his and he relented.

"At least take Itzal with you." He begged, offering the services of a drider guard. Y/n agreed to that one.

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