27: An Ending

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The Fae was on her knees, screaming and fighting against her husband as she watched the snakes slither towards Y/n. She screamed words that no one thought she knew, fighting and scratching, clawing and biting. Her voice screamed the name of her closest friend, her sister, her family. The snakes had creeped towards the determined girl, hissing and biting at her heels. She was crying, trying to console Pihla.

"Please understand, you have everyone around you, they love you. You are a queen, I am a no-one. I love you, my friend." She spoke, watching as Pihla's energy drained and she couldn't do anything but huff and squirm.

"no..." She whispered as her eyes watched one of the snakes bite her heals. She hissed as one of them struck her leg.

"I'll miss you, Vareck. Ikenna, never stop being a great father, Forrest... Please get over me quickly, I'll love you forever. Arlock, Creepy, keep my sister safe." She smiled, giving her soft commands to her friends. Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath in, "And you! You little son of a bitch!" She growled up at the throne, where the emperor watched, stoic and unmoving again, "you will never use her like that again. Ever. I will rise up from my grave and haunt you for the rest of your miserable, shitty, sad little life if you ever use my family again." Her voice was so sharp and threatening that Warren smiled.

"Well, my dear, it's a good thing that I'll die before you." He grinned and waved at the slave, who took the snakes away. He stood from his chair and walked towards the fae girl who was confused as to what was happening. She glanced around before walking towards him.

"What?" Pihla asked bleakly, staring dead in his eyes.

"Will you do the honor of sealing my death?" He bowed in a swoop.


"You, my dear, are the only one who cares about your dearest friend as much as I do. It only fits that the queen overthrows the emperor." He smiled, taking his sword and placing it in her stunned hand.

"Pihla? Don't..." Y/n spoke urgently across the room. She was still tied to a post in the arena, and when this sudden realization came, Ikenna went to untie her. Pihla was staring into Warren's eyes, he was smiling.

"Please, my dear. Kill me."

"Pihla, no! Please, if you do..."

"Perhaps you need incentive. Look anywhere on Y/n's neck... I have used her in ways you would find so very unsavory. I'll go into detail about it if you need me to..." He lied, attempting to get the faery to stab him, but she just stood there.

"I used her body... Doesn't that make your blood boil?" He leaned into her ear and smirked, "I fucked her right in this very room. If you don't kill me, I'll do it again..." He whispered, "think about how upset she would be... Think about how depressed she'd be... All because you didn't... kill... me..." He trailed off because he saw the look in the fae's eyes. She was burning with an intense hatred, something that made Warren shiver in fear. This time, Pihla fluttered up to whisper in his ear.

"You would've felt like a bitch, due to the emotional attachment. Honestly, I can't believe you'd be so stupid as to think I would kill you after knowing that you connected yourself to Y/n. However, I will give you credit... You fucking tried!" She yelled before hitting him on the head with the hilt of the sword. He fell to the ground unconscious as she screamed a loud, high pitched battle cry.

Then, she was tackled to the ground by arms that tightened into a deep, teary hug. Y/n and Pihla. They were back.


It was a sunny spring day. Birds were flying, flowers were blooming, a girl lay on a blanket listening to the sounds of the warm winds whirl around her head. This was the first time she had had a break since she was coronated. Her h/c locks were tucked into a bun and her e/c eyes were locked shut. She had been given this day off in preparation for the next day.

"The people need their first public address about what you intend to do about the runaway."

Warren had disappeared. Right under the noses of the guards. He had somehow tricked them into leaving the cell unlocked, then, in a brief moment of stupidity, the guards shifts changed, and no one was watching him for fifteen minutes. Y/n had been stressed before, but now her stress was over the roof. To top it off, he kept sending letters and post cards from one random bird to the next. Apparently he traveled south east. To top it off, he might be the founder of an anarchist group trying to take down the royals. Ironically this problem hadn't been a thing until after she was coronated. Her mind was facing faster than the special delivery carriage that Candansa uses. As her thoughts ran over the scenarios that might happen, she missed the footsteps that walked towards her warm little hideout.

"Hello, Y/n." Vareck smiled softly. He sat next to her, quietly thinking about other things.

"Vareck, are you sure you can run a country if I'm kidnaped?" She asked, sitting up and looking him in the eyes.

"I doubt it, but until we find a better replacement, I'll be here." He smiled, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind his ear as he looked down at her.

"Well... I hope everything will be fine. For now." She smiled before closing her eyes. The birds chirped and the sun shines, if you listened you could hear a creek somewhere. It was so serene, so quiet for a half hour, a good time for a small nap. Vareck felt his head lull. And then Y/n jolted up in a cold sweat, and the elf jumped.

"Are you okay?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. She breathed heavily, gripping her head with a shaky hand.

"No... I just had a bad dream... But I don't think it was a dream..." She stared at the sky, "Vareck, I think someone's trying to kill me."

End of Book 1 (?)

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