9: Sweet Reunions

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After the long carriage ride, getting unpacked, writing a letter to Vareck and going on a long date, Y/n was exhausted. She dived into her bed and found an uncomfortable lump there. When she lifted the blankets she let out a tiny yelp. Felix was sleeping peacefully as he lay on her bed.

She picked the kid up and made a bed on the floor for him, crawled in hers, and quickly realized that Felix had crawled back into her bed. She was getting irritated at the boy but put him back on his bed. Then she got in hers and fell asleep. When she woke up, she accidentally smacked the little boy in the face, as he had crawled into the bed during the night.

"I'm sorry!" She apologized. Trying to calm the crying boy. "I didn't know you were in my bed!" She shook her head.

"I had a bad dream about mommy." The kid teared up.

"I'm sorry, do you want to get up and go eat?" She asked, but the boy just dove into her and cried.

"I'm never gonna see mommy again, huh?" He had asked in a quiet voice. Y/n froze, not knowing how to respond, she pet his head and sighed.

"Mommy is always going to be with you, in here." She pointed towards his heart. "Just because you can't see her doesn't mean she isn't there. She'll always be watching you, like a Guardian!" She hugged him and stroked his hair. He cried a little longer, as his breaths slowed into a calming rhythm, Y/n held him tightly. Eventually he took a deep breath in and looked into her eyes. 

"I'm hungry." He stated and Y/n shot up.

"Well then there's no time to waste! We must go into the kitchens and get breakfast from the staff!" She spoke in a voice of playful heroics. Felix giggled and she smiled down at the little boy.


"I'm so sorry! You were the one who picked him up, and the council said that until he is reunited with his father you're going to have to watch him." Pihla had explained during breakfast. With a giggle Y/n shook her head.

"It's fine. I think he's in need of healing. He's a very smart boy." She answered and looked across the table towards the child who was now happily talking with the large drider king.

"And he's brave. It took me two years to warm up to Arlock." Pihla had giggled, fiddling with the precious gem on her finger. She stared at the giant as he enthusiastically nodded his head at the child, who was explaining why honey squares were the best food ever, and why he should have a diet solely based on the sugary candy.

"You did not. You were on him within the first five seconds you saw him!" Forrest cut in, smiling at his older sisters tall tale. "I believe, what you're trying to say," he continued, "is that it took Arlock two years to warm up to you!" He laughed. Pihla blushed at the teasing and stuck her tongue out at her brother.

"Your one to talk!" She teased back, glancing at Y/n and smiling. Forrest blushed before crossing his arms.

"Your seriously gonna jab at me like that?"


"I'm confused?" Y/n raised an eyebrow, amused at the childish fighting going on.

"It's nothing..." Forrest shook his head.


The rest of summer was spent in peace, and around the end of it a certain elf showed up in a carriage with a great present. He exited the his ride to a bunch of fae running this way and that, and it kinda hurt his head, so much chaos! But it was all calmed down when they stood at attention. He noticed one yelling drills at the other few and was curious. He looked like a male version of Pihla. He shook it off. Maybe he was standing too far away. When a blur of gold and purple tackled him into a hug, he knew that this one was a familiar face.

"Hello, Pihla!" He smiled and righted his balance. He glanced behind her and smiled when he found Y/n standing there.

"Oh! Vareck! It's so nice to see you!" Pihla smiled. "Did you do it?"

He smiled and moved aside. Y/n noticed that the slave who she met two months ago was very cleaned up, his face was clean shaven and he was dressed in nicer clothes, his eyes were nice, the bloodshot red and bags under them were lighter and fading, he was healthier, which made Y/n smile. His brown eyes scanned for a familiar face, then found Y/n's he smiled gently.

"Is he here?" He asked, begging for his answer to be positive.

"Felix?" Y/n turned, noticing the boy wasn't anywhere around her. "Where did you go you little rascal?" Suddenly in swooped Itzal, the orb weaver drider, and on his upside down back was a giggling birthday boy. He held onto the drider as his laughing eyes landed on his dad's.

"Papa? Papa!" He jumped off the driders back and launched into a great big hug. Ikenna was in tears and holding his child close. Felix was hugging his dad as tight as his little arms could hold him. Y/n shed a tear at the scene. She didn't realize that a hand came to rest on her shoulder and when she reached up to touch it, she spun to see the elf smiling brightly at the scene.

"Thank you!" Ikenna had smiled, "thank you miss..."

"Y/n, Y/n L/n," she smiled and shook his hand. His face dropped and his eyes widened.

"Your the-"

"No, it's just a very common name here!" Y/n lied, almost face palming at her slip up.

"Oh, okay." Ikenna had smiled.

"Papa? That's aunty Y/n! She's been taking care of me!" The little boy pointed and smiled.

"Auntie?" Ikenna had asked, amused.

"Yeah! I've never had an aunty before and I wanted one, so she's aunty Y/n, he's uncle Forrest, she's auntie Pihla, and he," Felix paused for a breath before pointing at the drider, who had taken an extreme liking to the boy, "is brother Itzal!" He smiled before hugging on of Itzals eight legs. Itzal had smiled and patted the boys head before waving at his father.

"I see. I guess you're all related somehow?" Ikenna had asked.

"Oh," Pihla had smiled, "Forrest over there is my half-brother, this is my best friend and rebellious spirit Y/n, and this is my soon to be brother in law!" She gestured to the drider and her wings flittered. Ikenna nodded and smiled.

"One big happy family, for a perfect little birthday boy!" He smiled and hugged his son.

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