22: Simple, Little Things.

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The next day started off on a happy note. For Warren, that was. He woke to find Y/n had snuggled into him over the night and wrapped her arms around his hand. He sat there and enjoyed the picture for a while, admiring how weak and peaceful this stubborn little human looked. She was going to marry him, he'd see too it. Slowly he awoke and walked towards the dresser by the closet. His quill left quick, thorough brush strokes up and down the paper. After sending the owl off with the note, he crawled back in bed, refusing his urge to kiss the sleeping maiden in bed. He wanted her fully conscious for everything he did to her. He licked his lips at that thought.


It had snowed overnight and was covered in a blanket of cold. Y/n woke with a start. She had a nightmare about her family... The picture of Pihla's head on a spike had flashed through her thoughts. A sudden hole in her heart grew. She missed her fluttery best friend. A single tear fell from her eye. She got up and went to write a letter. When she heard a deep groan and spun to see a waking Warren, she sighed.

"Good morning. You scared me."

"Good morning, darling." Warren smiled, getting up and walking over to her. "what's this?" He asked, wrapping his hands around Y/n's shoulders and kissing her forehead.

"A letter to Pihla. I miss her." Y/n finished, folding the letter and placing it on the extra owls foot. Warren raised an eyebrow. Half of him didn't want her to write the letter, the other half knew that she would probably become depressed if she didn't. So, he glanced at the content of the letter itself.

Dearest, how are you? How is your husband? Isn't that so weird to say? Anyways, I've been missing you. You've likely heard of my predicament, however I would ask you not to fret. I think the emperor might be a little bit softer than he lets on. If you could see my face, I would be winking. I miss you. I hope to be there with you soon.

Your best friend, Y/n.

The letter itself was rather innocent, just a courtesy call, if anything. But the little bit of teasing he had glanced over made him go slightly pink.

"I'm not soft." He whispered.

"Right, because hiding your family in the woods and giving your children lavish lifestyles is totally not you being soft." Y/n replied sarcastically. She smiled at his reaction. His blush deepened and he hid in his long, silky black hair.

"Just because I do things for my loved ones doesn't meant I'm soft." He retorted. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Whatever softie. I'm gonna get dressed now." She got up from the desk and walked towards the closet.

"Oh! Wear the warm yellow snowsuit! I have something planned today." Warren told Y/n, and she grabbed the outfit. Then she left to get dressed.

As she sat in the quiet of the bathroom she felt a tick travel up her spine. How had she adjusted to this weird life so fast? Something was off. Maybe it was the blessings on the pillars that enchanted the house, maybe it was the lack of oxygen due to higher elevation, maybe she was just trying to suppress any anxiety about her family back home, but she felt odd about something. She didn't recoil when Warren kissed her forehead or nose. She was used to his ridiculously expensive perfume. She enjoyed his roundabout way of getting to his point. She was getting comfortable with the enemy. She shivered before a knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked in the mirror and took a breath.

"Are you okay? You've been in there for a while." Warren's muffled voice asked.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine." She turned and opened the door, standing in the yellow outfit. It was made of very warm cloth, and the inside layer was very soft. The pattern almost mimicked a fae outfit she had worn earlier that summer. Specifically, the dress she wore while scaling a wall to babysit a cat, and snark at an emperor. The way it flowed and moved touched Y/n's heart. Ever since she came to Chorras Kiliro, it had been non-stop dragon fashions. Which, weren't inherently bad, but they were designed with flying instead of walking or climbing in mind. So, low, swooping backs and tight, constricted skirts. The feeling of being able to climb a wall without ripping her skirt made her tear up.

"I hope you like it... I noticed how uncomfortable you were in those draconic outfits. This matches you, anyway." Warren shrugged, crossing his arms like he didn't care. But Y/n could see him glimpsing over every once in a while. And when she squealed with joy and tried to climb the bed post, he watched, looking intently at the bottom of the skirt. Anything to catch a peek, right? When she made it to the top and then jumped town again, she squealed.

"Warren! Oh, thank you! It's so considerate of you to do that!" She said before spinning him in a circle.

"Woah there, little weakling! We better get going if we want to be there in time." He smiled, hugging her tight.

"Where are we going, Warren?" Y/n asked curiously, cocking her head in her usual way. For some reason, this particular head tilt caused something to twist inside Warren. He stopped, picked her up and held her tightly to him.

"Well, I'll tell you, but before I do..." He leaned into her face. Her eyes were closed shut. He leaned in... And... Peck! Peck peck peck! Peppering her face with little kisses, he only stopped when Y/n started giggling.

"Stop! Stop!" She smiled as he set her down. "So... Where is this activity you wanted to do?" Y/n had asked again.

"Oh, you'll love it. It's called hiking."

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