12: Ugh, You Again?

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Everyone was busy preparing for the first full moon of fall, even the trees seemed excited, their color fading to orange and red and gold. It looked like a fire had swept the forest from above, and from below it felt like living in a castle made of gold and rubies. It was the perfect time for the drider and fae to wed, because it was practically decorating itself. Y/n had been busy with decorating things, prepping the flowers and making sure the menu tasted right.

She had volunteered to do the few last minute details and finish planning the wedding. Y/n was excited. She was preparing a great many things all at once. Hanging banners of spider silk, testing out which flowers go with the fall season, trying to find out who all was going to be there and so much more. When the invitations came RSVPs came rolling in she had to organize which place everyone would sit and sift through those that she liked and didn't. She found an envelope with a particular design that reminded her of the dreaded palace of Chorras Kiliro and she shuddered. Sure enough, the damn emperor had accepted the invitation. She tried to organize it so that he was in the back, but regretted it when she realized that the only open seat was right next to Vareck. Even though she tried to reorganize everything it still didn't work. She found him sitting amongst everyone he was bound to hate. She veered directly off path when she found the only compatible seat was right next to her. At least she could make sure he wasn't doing anything stupid, right? After looking at the seating arrangements, it worked out perfectly. Ikenna and Felix would sit a little further back, next to Itzal, and Vareck would sit behind her, passing notes to and from, and all the other royals of everywhere else would be happily seated where they were. She groaned, but decided to take one for the team.


As the days flew by, the excitement built up in the country. When the time came for people to start arriving, she noticed that her anxiety was amped up to 11. She couldn't help but find the seating arrangements uncomfortable, but she was already in for the worst. They had labeled the seats and benches and everyone was unpacking in their private rooms. She couldn't help but notice that Vareck was a little nervous, but she just waved it away, after all, she had other party things to be working on. She dawned a dress made out of rose petals and spider silk, a great reference to the bond between the two families.

Y/n was running around everywhere today and it was driving her crazy. When she finally had a break, she disappeared. No one could find her. Pihla was worried but couldn't stay that way because she had to greet guests. Besides, Y/n disappeared every once in a while, coming back strong and full of life. As the faery thought of her friend she couldn't help but wonder where she went. She had greeted her guests and was mindlessly talking when she saw it. The dreaded blue and gold insignia. It bore a golden fire stitched into the center. She shivered, but took a breath in. Walking towards the horrible carriage and waiting for the door to open. Out he stepped, black crown glinting in the evening sunlight.

"Hello, Emperor, it's been a long while!" She smiled at the man.

"Pihla, pleasure to meet you after such a long time... Where is your handmaid?" He smiled, brushing his lips against her knuckles before cocking his head to the side as he asked his question. His eyes scanned the crowd of people running about.

"Oh, she's... Out..." She trailed off, hoping that her friend would be back soon.


"It's her day off and she sometimes disappears to go and breath. Can't overwork her to much. Lord knows what would happen." She giggled, before looking at the dragon and smiling, "Come with me. I think I remember where your room is!"

He linked arms with the princess and strolled to his bedroom. Pihla watched his reaction to the forest floor. The dragon seemed to be in awe of the large trees and floral floor. They walked towards a large tree and knocked on the door. When no one answered Pihla opened it to reveal a warm room.

"I hope you like it, it was the last guest room we had open." She smiles. "I've got to go! I'll speak to you later, just get settled in!" The girl looked out the door and yelled.

"Coming! One second Forrest!" She then slammed the door. The dragon walked towards the bed and sat down. It was soft and covered in some sort of animal pelt. His face suddenly brightened into a grin as he fell back onto the comfortable blanket.

"Soon, soon I'll have you." He sighs and looks up at the ceiling. It was a comfortable little place. As he glanced above him, he noticed that a ladder connected itself into a space above. Curious about what was up there, he climbed to find a loft filled with books of all sorts. Sitting on a soft chair, he scanned the books until he found one that caught his eye.

"The legend of Chorras and Kiliro"

He took the book and started to read, only to find a note slip out. He picked it up and read it. The handwriting was funny, one sentence would be delicate and flowery, the next bold and swiftly cut, and as he read it, the familiarity with speech patterns popped out. This was a note passed from Pihla to Y/n.

I'm bored.

I know, but this is interesting.

Father doesn't think it is. Look, he's doodling on his paper.

You are your father's daughter...

That might be true, but at least we aren't interested in a map of the frikin kingdom of the sea.

The kingdom of the sea is the most ancient kingdom we have ever known, and it would be cool to go hunting for old treasures there sometime.

Hey what y'all talking 'bout?

Nothing, we weren't talking about anything...

Aww, she's kinda boring me to death.


It's not my fault you two don't want to meet merfolk one day!

Chaos, no one said they didn't, but this is torture!

Yeah, what he said!

Whatever, you two continue being bored, but stop distracting me!

Y/n hadn't written anything after that, and the rest was stupid anyways. These two idiots talking to her must've missed the memo, because they continued to talk.

The emperor ripped the bit off that Y/n hadn't used and took the stuff she wrote with him. He was so happy to be there.

"Oh, my little handmaid girl... You certainly did have an interesting upbringing." He smirked to himself.

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