15: An Understanding Elven Warlord

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This was the final night that Y/n would share with her best friend before she became a married woman. Needless to say it was exciting and sentimental. There was braided hair, their was painted nails, and then there was a great, big, not-so-secret secret.

"Do you wanna know the craziest thing?" Asked Pihla.

"The emperor likes me?" Y/n asked back.

"How did you know?"

"He kissed me while we were in the maze. Worst two minutes of my life." She smiled at the joke. "How'd you know?"

"He was jealous of Forrest. It was funny seeing his face when he realized I cracked his secret." Pihla giggled at the memory.

"He was jealous of Forrest?" Y/n asked in shock. Pihla had giggled and nodded. Y/n sat there and scoffed at the thought of the dragon being jealous of a tiny faery. She tried to imagine how this could've happened, thinking about every interaction she had ever had with him. It was all arguments and insults. How was anything other than hate not blooming in his heart? She threw her head back and groaned.

"Why me?" She asked the sky above. Pihla giggled before flying upwards to grab a book from a shelf that was hundreds of feet high

"You know I read an interesting fact about dragons. In a study done by some fancy professors years ago, way before the war, he found that dragons secretly found humans attractive. Like, a mate, or a pillow, or just someone comfy to snuggle. They also found (in a different study) that the more opposing personality, the more they wanted to mate with a certain person. It's funny, because after he asked about Forrest, my mind popped quickly to this book. It's funny. Now you have three boys after you!" She giggled and teased before handing Y/n the book.

"I think you'll like it." She sighed before their was a comfortable silence. Y/n was holding the book entitled Dragons: a romantic study  and she rolled her eyes. Nothing like a good old sex-ed on a race she was at war with. She smiled and hugged her best friend tightly.

"I'll miss you on your honeymoon." She said before sniffing a little.

"I'll be in contact, it's not like we're going far! Just to the old palace." Pihla comforted, making Y/n smile. 

"Always so optimistic, that's what I'll miss." Y/n said. Pihla hugged her before looking at the moon high in the sky and gasping.

"Oh goodness! You have to be up earlier than me and it's already 2:00!" She said, worriedly shooing Y/n towards the door.

She left the tree that the princess lived in and decided her head was cluttered. She was gonna spend the night in her thinking place. So she wondered towards the cliff with the book when a voice caught her by surprise.

"What are you doing here?" The emperor asked.

"Your majesty-"

"I told you, call me Warren." He said, off-putting, because he was so gentle when speaking.

"W-Warren, I was on a walk, thinking about my past with Pihla. She's so gentle. I just spent most of the night with her, but she needs to sleep now. In fact I'll be going to bed now as well..."

"What are you holding?" He asked before snatching the book out of her hand. He scoffed. "What's this for?" He asked while reading the golden lettering. He laughed merrily before tossing the book over his shoulder.

"You and Pihla just can't keep a secret from each other, can you?" He eyed Y/n down before approaching her and grabbing her waist. He hoisted her up to his eye level, pinned her against a tree, and stared her down.

"Save me a dance, I have something I need to ask you." He cooed before letting her go, he left and when she was sure he was gone, she let out a breath. That experience was... Weird. He had never talked to her in a tone like that, and it was eery how calm he was. Y/n shook the feeling and turned to find the book. To her dismay, it was gone. Sighing, she walked towards the cliff.

"Here we go." She smiled before plunging into the water deep below. She felt the cool exhilaration and swam deeper into the water. When she slipped into the cave and surfaced on the other side, her breath stopped short.

"Vareck?" She asked the only other person who knew about this place. He spun around and his eyes widened.

"Y/n..." He smiled gently at the girl. There was pain in his eyes.

"How are you?" She asked and he looked away shyly.

"I'm fine... I just noticed that you... Like someone." He smiled sadly.

"Oh, Forrest..." She trailed off.

"Yeah, him..." He said before sitting in quiet.

"I... I... I know you um... You like me but... Um... I haven't quite reciprocated the feelings back..."

"It's alright. Your entitled to feel however you want. I'm just thinking through it." He smiled and watched some glowing spores floating around above them. She understood his pain.

"Just, save me a dance like you promised." He said, running his fingers through her hair and looking at her.

"Thank you for being so understanding!" She cried before hugging him into the ground.

"You and Pihla need to work on your hugging skills." He grunted before smiling.

"Where do you think she learned it from?" She asked. They sat and watched the glowing ecosystem flourish around them, in comfortable silence as the thought about things of importance. Then they fell asleep.


When Vareck woke up he noticed that Y/n was gone. He sat up and looked around. He got up and walked towards the deeper part of the cavern. Sure enough she was talking to the glowing merman. Anup heard his footsteps and smiled.

"Oh, Vareck is back!" He jumped with excitement.

"Hi Anup." Vareck smiled as he sat in the water.


The three talked for a while before going to prepare for the wedding. When they left the cave and climbed the cliff face, Forrest was standing there with a stunned expression.

"Oh, so he knows about it but I don't?" He grinned before helping them up.

"Yeah, I trust that he's not gonna spill it to his sister, who'll spill it to the rest of the forest." She smiled.

"Aw, really? Is that what you think I'd do?" He asked.

"As a matter of fact, I know it's what you'll do! Remember the nest of zapper bugs?" She laughed before walking towards the trail. Forrest blushed at the question.

Zapper bugs were little insects that liked to nest together, and if you got too close they would shock you using lightning that they could create. Once, when they were 11, Y/n had found a nest and fell in love with them, nursing and nurturing the bugs until the saw her as a "mother" of sorts. Then one day, Forest found out and told Pihla, who quickly told everyone else, and the bugs had to be disposed of because they were dangerous. Y/n had cried for a few weeks, and the problem and kicked off a rebellious phase in the girl. Forrest scratched the back of his head.

"Sorry about that..." He grinned sheepishly.

"Yeah, right..." Y/n rolled her eyes and she dried off using an improvised towel that she had hidden in a tree.

"Well, see you two on the dance floor. Hope you can keep up!" She winked before turning and heading towards her tree. It was quiet for a little, the two men watched  her leave, then, the fae flittered his wings.

"She's so sassy." He sighed.

"I know." Vareck answered and walked towards his room.

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