Meetings and Greetings I

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Mikey sat on the couch with his brothers, and his father in the dojo meditating, waiting for Mikey's girlfriend Asteria. They were trying to watch some t.v but they're minds were still occupied.

"What's she like?" Raph asked Mikey.

Mikey looked at him and grinned. "Oh, she's amazing, I've never met someone who could get me so well."

"Yeah, I get that, but how would you describe her? What kind of personality?" Leo asked.

Mikey smiled wider. "Well, she's independent, intelligent, powerful, goofy, funny, quick witted, playful, energetic, creative, caring, beautiful, a-"

"Ok, ok we get it. She's really awesome." Raph inturippted.

"Hey, you said describe her and that's what I tried to do" Mikey shrugged.

"Well, she sounds great Mikey, I can't wait to meet her" Leo said.

A while later, Mikey's T-Phone rang. "Oh, she's almost here!" He shot up and walked towards the door. Then he quickly turned around to see his brothers, now standing. He looked very serious witch was very offputting for them.

He said sternly"Guys, Asty means a lot to me. She helped me when I needed it most, and I care about her. If there's any funny business she can beat your shells to China, and I'll happily let her. You better treat her with respect, like with April, no intimidating or nothing, or else..." he cracked his knuckles, "I'm gunna beat you like Raph does me when I tick him off" He started them down.

Suprised they tried to speak. "Mikey we will treat her right, it's fine we promise" Leo answered.

"And Mikey, I-" Raph tried to protest but was cut off by Mikey greeting Sensei.

"Hi Sensei!" Mikey waved to him as he walked out of the dojo. "Asty will be here any second! I'm going to go meet her outside!"

Master Splinter nodded. "Alright my son, we will be here waiting." Mikey smiled back and walked out of the lair. Then he turned to his elder sons, "you must treat this girl with respect, understand?" All three of them nodded, still in shock of what thier youngest brother had said to them.

"Yeah, don't worry Sensei, we will. Mikey really cares for this girl" Raph answered.

"No kidding" Donnie added.

They heard some whispering, then Mikey appeared in the lairs entrance with a big nervous smile. "Ok guys, this is my girlfriend"

Then walked next to him was the girl that they saw last night. Her long black hair was noticeably straightened. She wore a pink shirt with floral prints, bright blue jeans, and black boots. She was also smiling nervously, standing next to Mikey.

Then they both walked into the lair, side by side. Her smile got even bigger and said, "Hi! I'm Asteria. Asteria Juno Boobybirdiou Lou."

"Boobybirdiou Lou!?" Raph exclaimed then started laughing, "what kind of a name is that!?" Asteria blushed in embarrassment, and Mikey looked angry.

Master Splinter hit Raph on the back of his head with his cane. "Raphael! Enough!" Master Splinter scowled then turned to the dark haired girl. "I apologize for my son, he needs to learn a few manners. I am Master Splinter, Michelangelo's father."

Asteria smiled. "It's nice to meet you, Master Splinter sir." She did a small bow. The three older brothers snickered at the gesture, then quickly shut up after Mikey glared at them.

Master Splinter smiled and said, "there is no need to do that Asteria, and please, just call me Master Splinter"

She stood up straight. "Oh, ok". She still has on the smile.

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