Mikey's Girlfriend II

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Raph whispered worriedly, "Do- do you really- really think he-" Raph was cut off by Leo shushing him again, trying to focus on the scene before him.

"We shall see" Master Splinter said quietly.

She was about done unwrapping his bandages, then she paused and looked at him.

"Ok, we need to get a better view. I'll have cockroach 1 zoom in from behind Mikey..." Then a few clicks of a few buttons, they got a view from behind Mikey and the girl witch they only know as Asty. They have got a clear view of Mikey's wrists in the girls (Asty's) lap.

Mikey reassuringly nodded at her. She nodded back and finally took off his bandages.

There was a gasp in the lair. On his wrist were many, faded scars, but with a few noticeably recent ones.

Mikey looked at his scared wrists "You see, I've, umm, like cut myself like three times on this one." Then Mikey wiggled his left wrist a bit. "Then I did two "full" cuts, I guess you could call, on this one." Then he wiggled the other one, there were two long, new, red scars, and one small wound that was about three times as small.

"When I was about to do the third one, I stopped and, well like realized what I was actually doing. I immediately stopped, then sat there for a few minutes thinking that all of this work, was for nothing. Like I wasted everybody's time. Like I was a lost cause. I-"

He stopped midsentence by Asty putting her hands around his cheeks and turned his head so he would face her.

Then she said clearly and slowly, "You are not a lost cause Michelangelo. You didn't ever waste anybody's time. With this problem or not. You are worth the time. And everything that we've, you have done, has noticeably taken affect. I mean, like a few months ago, you wouldn't have told anyone after doing this. The fact that you stopped and realized what you were doing, and came too seek help, that shows great improvment. You are getting better, it just takes time. And I promise, I will help you no matter how long it takes. I promise. Ok Menny?"

Mikey then took her wrist, and smiled in relief. "Thanks babe. I, like, really needed to hear something like that. You are my angel goddess ya know." She rolled her eyes, blushing a bit. Then she turned her attention to his self inflicted injuries, and began to clean them.

"Mikey.. no." Donnie whispered, shaking.

"Sensi. What are we going to do?" Asked Leo, trying to hold back tears.

Master Splinter was silent for a moment. "We need to help and support Michelangelo. It seems that this girl, has greatly helped him. As he said, he feels unloved, and well in his words, "stupid". We must show him, that this is untrue. It may be difficult to bring it up, but if we get assistance from the girl, we may be able to help him more."

Raph fell back on the counter behind him. "It's all my fault. If I haven't been yelling and smacking his so much, he wouldn't have... have done this" he crouched down, eyes getting teary.

"It's not completely your fault, Raph" Leo said looking at him. "It's clear that he's been doing this for a while, and maybe all of us have drove him to do this at one point. You may have been part of the reason for why he did it this time, but when he gets home you need to apologize to him, and be less harsh on him! We all do."

"Leonardo is correct. You must not fully blame yourself. Yes, you must take responsibility for your actions, but we must all help him for him to get better. I, myself am feeling a whelm of guilt for not seeing this. We all as a family must come together for your brothers well being" Master Splinter said, facing him.

He got up, a couple of tear streaks on his face. "You're right. When he gets home I'll apologize to him, be more understanding, nicer to him. I'll be a better big brother! I'll- I promise to do anything to make him safe and happy."

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