The Last Day of Remembrance

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Over the next six days everyone had gotten along very well. Now Donnie sees they both truly care about each other, Raph thinks Asteria is a good influence for his brother, and Leo finally trusts her.

April and Casey have been seeing her a little more too and they get along very well. Asteria even gave them a few cupcakes.

Mikey was especially happy. He was more open to his family and his self harming urges were near gone. If they were to ever come back, he knew that he could talk to them.

Everthing was going so well. However, Asteria and Menace knew this couldn't be, at least not at that point in time.

Mikey was outside the lair leaning against the wall. Asteria, who was also in the sewers was flying with her turquoise energy around her. She glided down to her boyfriend.

"I dusted O'Neil and Jones. You got your family?" She asked. She was wearing her fabric jacket and black jean shorts, along with her turquoise crop top.

Mikey nodded, "yeah" he didn't look up at her.

"Menny, again I'm sorry. With everything going so well-" Asteria was inturippted.

"There's no need to be sorry. I knew this was coming." He looked up at her and walked so he was in front of her.

Asteria could tell he was unhappy and she knew he should let it all out. "Babe," she put her hand on his shoulder, "it's ok. You can tell me, please."

Mikey looked into her eyes. "Well" he looked back down "they were so excepting. I could talk to them. I didn't have to worry as much of hiding, ya know. They helped me and supported me. It was great. I even thought, maybeeven for a half a second, maybe I could tell them all of it. "

He shook his head. "But I know that can't be, not now. It's just not time yet. And when it is or not, Asty, I think I can't tell them."

"You see they accepted this" he took her hand "but they won't accept all of it. Everthing I've kept from them. Even if I am successful at this, they will be mad for keeping it from them so long and they're not apart of it"

"Michelangelo" Asteria said, squeezing his hand. "You need to tell them. At least when it's past time. I know it will he scary but you have too. They're your family. And if you need backup, we're all behind you, and you know that."

Mikey looked up and smiled at her. He leaned in and gave her a quick peck. "Menny" She took his other hand and leaned closer into him. "Promise me something, okay?"

"Anything for you my sweet, sweet angel goddess." Menace said back.

"Promise me that you'll tell them about this" she lightly touched his wrist. "Please, for your own sake."

Menace closed his eyes for a moment in thought. He opened them, "Yes, of course, I think I'll do that."

They looked at each other, then pulled each other into a long kiss. Menace was rubbing his hand up and down her back. After a couple minutes, they broke away, holding hands.

"I guess I need to get home,need rest ya know?" She gave a weak smile.

Menace smirked, "yeah, bet it'll be a long day tomorrow."

Asteria rolled her eyes. "Only if you make it." She tried to walk away but Menace didn't let go. They smiled goofily at each other. He finally let go.

"See you tomorrow at the Hideout Menny! Oh, and don't forget to tell the rest of the gang about this. Zach will be dying to know!" Asteria called.

"Yeah, I know!" Menace said, walking backwards, almost at the entrance of the lair.

"See you tomorrow captain!" Asteria waved. Her energy came around her again and she took off. She blew him a kiss mid air and flew on home.

Mikey smiled. "She could've just taken the Shortcut" he thought to himself as he head to his room.

He thought of what Asteria said; "see you tomorrow captain!" That's right, he was the captain. Well, maybe not here but in his other world, his other life, he was.

He head towards his bedroom and to bed. It would be a long day tomorrow, well, maybe.

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