Mother Dearest~

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We're coming up on the last few chapters of this story. I hope you all are ready for this cause I have a feeling some of y'all are gonna want to hurt me...But that's okay. Enjoy, comment or whatever. Here we go.


"Hello, darling."

Her voice echoed through the hollow room, sending tingles down my spine and most likely everyone else's. Her chirpy voice didn't mask the malicious intent that I knew she had, and I don't think she cared.

She didn't need to care. It didn't matter if we knew what her true intentions were, because she was stronger than all of us combined. Three witches, and three wolves, two of them being part witch, didn't compare to the dozens of witches whose powers she had harnessed. She could probably snap her fingers, and like that we would turn to ash.

And yet she still spoke as if she was here to make friends.

The woman whom I called mother had a look that seemed puzzling to me. Though her lips formed a smile, her green eyes were vacant of any emotion whatsoever. Part of me doubted that she was a person at all, but rather the ghost of my mom who'd come back to haunt me.

But sadly, she was real.

"Estrella, I hope you know how rude it is to just stare when someone's speaking to you," She spoke, "I would have hoped that I raised you better."

"Raised me better?" I muttered unsure, "You barely raised me at all. You left us."

I spoke, making sure to include Ethan. Though Tessandra hadn't looked at Ethan once, I wasn't going to sit there and act like she didn't have two of her children present. No way was she going to forget about Ethan.

"Us?" She questioned, "Oh you mean your brother. Yeah, I meant to leave Ethan. I never wanted to leave you."

My heart hurt for Ethan, ever since he was a child, my mother never bothered to hide her blatant disdain towards him. She always favored me for some reason, and I guess that even though it had been almost twenty years since I'd seen her, things hadn't changed.

I saw my brother glance down out of the corner of my eye, sending a surge of anger through me. I had been sitting on the ground with Kyla, Van, Calypso, and Ethan. But now I was on my feet, glaring at my mother.

"You're a bitch for that, do you know that?"

Suddenly, I couldn't speak or move. My limbs felt frozen, just like the day I had landed here, and no matter how hard I tried to move, I couldn't. I began to panic. I knew my mother was doing this, and I was scared.

But I wasn't scared for myself. No. I was scared for everyone else in the room, especially my mate. She could easily kill him, and that would kill me as well. Both mentally and physically. I didn't want that to happen to him. I didn't want him to die.

So maybe mouthing off to my psychotic mother wasn't my brightest idea. But oh well, I already woke up an angry bull.

She narrowed her eyes, as she stepped close to me, glancing at each and every person in the room, before looking back at me.

I noticed how young she still looked. I hadn't seen her in over ten years, and she looked as if she had only aged a year or two. Her square face was completely free of wrinkles, and her blonde hair still had a youthful shine to it. Though her eyes were green, and mine were blue, it was like I was staring back at myself. It was a strange feeling.

Earlier, I had said that my moms eyes were vacant. But they weren't now. Instead, they were filled with a calm and collected anger. Suddenly I missed the vacant look.

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