Star Struck~

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Ooooo I cannot wait for these next few chapters. There's gonna be plot freaking twists, and honestly a couple main deaths so uhhh. Prepare yourselves because with me, nobody is safe. I'm just kidding...Or am I? Anyways please VOTE AND COMMENT.


It was yet another cold day in December, where one could find me sitting at the edge of the frozen lake, trying to figure out what it meant—If it even meant anything. For all I knew, the Moon Goddess could've just wanted to put me upside down in the lake for laughs.

But I knew better.

I knew that she was back to her riddles, and that the lake played a major part in unlocking the answer—Now the answer to what? I had no clue what answer I was even looking for. The Moon Goddess only said that there was trouble to come. She didn't even tell me what trouble.

So I was practically trying to find a needle in a haystack—And in this case, the needle was the size of a flea.

I placed my head in my hands, frustrated that I wasn't figuring anything out. I mean, I had been visiting the lake for a few days now, and still nothing turned up.

I was about ready to leave and call it a day, when I felt someone's presence beside me. I looked to see Ethan, and immediately my stomach dropped. My mood darkened, and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I had been avoiding my brother for days now.

I wasn't ready to talk to him.

But I guess he was ready to talk to me.

"You know, when I found you I expected you to be a bit more eager to see me."

I looked down, feeling guilty for avoiding my brother. It wasn't that I wanted to avoid him, it's that I didn't know what to say to him, nor did I trust him. But still, he was right, I definitely wasn't as excited to see him as I should have been.

"I know," I replied, "I'm sorry."

I gave him a sympathetic smile, one which I hoped seemed genuine and not fake. The last thing I needed was for him to think that I was fake.

Thankfully, he returned the smile.

"It's understandable. Trust must be pretty difficult for you, seeing as though you were dead."

Oh no. I was hoping that this wouldn't be brought up. Unfortunately, I knew that fate wasn't on my side today.

"How are you alive?"

The way he asked that question was filled with scrutiny. Before death, I was used to my brother talking to me this way. I mean after all we are siblings, siblings fight. But now, it was weird for him to talk to me in almost a suspicious tone. He was talking to me as if I had done something wrong. 

This only made my lack of trust towards him stronger. And no matter how hard I tried to lower my guard, I couldn't.

Ethan stared at me, waiting for an explanation. How could I explain to him that I was alive because the Moon Goddess needed me to come down to Earth, to love an emotionally damaged alpha? I mean was I supposed to tell him that? Was I weird for not wanting him to know that.


But I wasn't ready for him to know the truth yet.

"I...I guess I was just given a second chance."

"A second chance? Estrella, you were dead for four years. Your body was in the ground, decaying for four years. I don't understand how it's possible for you to just come back. I mean, that goes against nature."

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