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Hello hello. I know I've been updating like crazy cause I really wanna get this story done before classes start. I'm not going to have anytime to write when they do start. So I gotta finish quickly. Plus, I love this story and I can't wait for the future chapters..You all are going to love themmm. Anyways, please VOTE and COMMENT.


"No matter what anyone says to convince me otherwise, pancakes fucking suck compared to waffles."

"They're the same damn thing!" Kailen replied, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically.

"No they aren't!" I shouted, doing the same.

Currently, Kailen and I were in an argument about pancakes and waffles, while Harrison, Savannah, and Zach surrounded us. Though I still wasn't particularly fond of Zach, I was too caught up in our heated debate to care.

"They're both made of the exact same ingredients," Kailen shouted back, "They're just different shapes."

"Then tell me why I throw up everytime I even think of eating pancakes but not waffles?"

"You didn't throw up when I was eating pancakes earlier!" Kailen shot back, leaning back in his chair.

"Pff," I responded, "I almost did."

Everyone else around us seemed so engaged in Kailen and I's argument, and it really made me wonder if this pack was ran by a bunch of five year olds with big egos. Here we were, deeply bothered by the topic of waffles and pancakes.

We really were children.

"Who the fuck thinks they taste any different?" Kailen asked rhetorically, but Zach jumped in anyways.

"I mean they do taste different."

I looked at Zach with a smile, and then back at Kailen. Zach had just gained a point in my book for agreeing with me.

"See Zach agrees with me." I responded, trying to rub it in Kailen's face. That is until Savannah jumped in.

"No they don't!" She said, and my mouth dropped. Though I was super happy to see Savannah engaging in the conversation, it baffled me to realize both her and Kailen had no taste.

We all realized that it was a tie between Kailen and I, and that Harrison was the tie breaker. We all looked to Harrison, who looked absolutely terrified.

"Oh please no," He begged, "I really don't want my head back in a wall."

"For the last time," I shouted, "It didn't go through the wall!"

"Fine then," He shouted back, "They taste no different!"

A loud gasp came from both Zach and I's mouths, as we couldn't believe what we were hearing. Three people thought that there was no difference between pancakes and waffles taste wise, and that blew me away. I sent a glare to Harrison, whose eyes were wide.

Now I really wanna put his head through a wall.

I thought I said that to myself, but when Kailen started cracking up, I realized I had spoken into the mate link again. I watched as Kailen was practically dying of laughter, and everyone else just stared at him in confusion. They probably hadn't seen him laugh this hard before, and neither had I.

But I guess what I'd said was extremely funny. Little did he know, I was serious. Poor Harrison really was about to have his head put through a wall. Tragic.

We all shared a bit of laughter, before I saw Kailen look at his watch. I knew he had a meeting this evening to talk about better security, but I didn't realize it was already time for him to go.

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