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Screams of terror and pain filled the forest around us, piercing my wolf ears like a blade. Children ran past me, scrambling for cover, and as they did, the stench of wolfs bane filled my nose. Blood also filled my nose, almost to the point that I couldn't smell anything else.

It was wickedly strong.

I glanced around the pack lands, mortified by what I saw. Wolves were scattered around, some belonging to our pack, some of them rogues. My heart plummeted into my stomach at the thought of more casualties. We couldn't take anymore. We had lost enough.

But this wasn't the time to focus on the added casualties, this was the time to prevent more from happening.

I gave Kailen one last look, giving him a small smile.

"I love you, no matter what happens." I shouted, before shifting into my wolf form.

I heard him yell "I love you" back, but by that time I was already throwing myself into the fighting. I noticed his wolf join in next to me, and by that point, I knew he wasn't going to leave my side. I didn't expect him to. Heck, I didn't want him to.

Him fighting by my side made me more confident.

I latched onto the neck of a rogue, tearing it out swiftly. But just as I did, I felt another one jump onto my back. I went to rip it off, but before I could it went limp. I snapped around to see the rogues throat in Kailen's mouth, but I didn't have time to stare because we were back to fighting.

We were both plowing through rogues left and right, but each time we killed one, more appeared. It's as if they were multiplying. Though they were easy to kill, it still shocked me to see an attack of this magnitude. Our first rogue attack was nothing compared to this, while as this time there were hundreds.

And I had absolutely no clue where they were coming from, or why they were here.

It was mayhem.

I watched in anger as rogues began jumping on my mate, trying their best to bring him to the ground. Though Kailen was strong, the weight of the rogues was enough to bring him to the ground.

I had to help him.

I tried to jump over to clear the rogues from him, but as I did, I felt jaws latch around my leg, pulling me down. I let out a painful howl, whirling around to free myself from whatever shithead had me. I came face to face with another red-eyed, mangy mutt, and just as it began to clamp down harder on my leg as if it was a chew toy, I swiped my claws out across its face.

I watched as one of its eyes fell from its socket, and the rogue wheeled back, howling in agony. But it didn't have long to howl, because the next thing it knew, I was tearing it apart. I would have taken longer to revel in its death, but I could hear my mate howling out for help.

I left the mutilated rogue, and began biting and clawing wherever I could. I wasn't thinking about anything other than saving my mate from these pesky creatures. And when a rogue clamped down on his back, all I could see was red.

I could feel his pain, and that only angered me further. Knowing that my mate was hurting drove me to the brink of insanity and thanks to that, ripping through the rogues was easy.

I showed no mercy as I did, feeling a sense of satisfaction as I watched them die. It sounded wrong, but those fuckers hurt my mate.

The several rogues that once overtook my mate, were now scattered around him, and I watched as my mate painfully pulled himself to his feet. I could tell that he was hurting way more than I was, and I did my very best to keep the rogues away from him.

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