Battle Scars~

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Hey!! Sorry for the long wait for the update, I've been working endlessly on classes. But I had to update. It's not fair to keep y'all waiting. So, prepare yourself for this chapter as everything winds down...
Please don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!


That day the pack hospital was packed to the brink with wolves—All from the tragic explosion. People were going in and out at an alarming rate, and the casualties...Well we had yet to count, but it was going to be high. We wouldn't be able to take count until everyone who was admitted to the pack hospital was either cleared...Or dead.

And all day, I had seen some fortunate members go in, and luckily they got to come out alive. Others weren't so lucky. Others didn't get to the pack doctors quick enough to stop the bleeding.

And some...Well it was clear that it was their time to go. No matter what the doctors were doing to save someone, if the Moon Goddess decided that their time was up, then it was up.

But that didn't make it any easier—In fact, it made it worse. It made my anger towards the Moon Goddess sky high. How could she let something like this happen? How was she able to take so much life, without so much as a warning.

But that's the other thing that made me angry. She did give a warning. She did tell me that tragedy was coming. Though, I never thought it would be to this extent. I never thought that the casualties would include children—Young children. And so many of them.

It was excruciatingly painful—Way beyond words could ever describe.

And through the entire grueling and grim experience, the only thing on my mind was vengeance. I wanted the person responsible for this, dead. And if it was a group of people, then I wanted every single one of their heads on a platter.

Setting my desire for revenge aside, I focused back on the scene in front of me.

I was at the pack hospital, and though I had sustained some deep wounds, as well as other injuries, I wasn't here for myself. I was here for my pack.

The doctors tried to fix me up, they begged me to at least let them give me pain meds. But until everyone in my pack had received the care they needed, I would wait. Besides, I was already healing faster than everyone else. I figured that something the Moon Goddess had done to me made me heal faster, so I wasn't going to bother with my injuries.

I was watching the doctors and surgeons head in and out of rooms, when I saw a familiar face. And this face was the one that I needed to see the most. This face belonged to my mate.

Ignoring my pain, I rushed over to my mate, who barely had enough time to see me before I flung my arms around him and hugged him. It was a bone crushing hug, the type that you hear about in movies. Except this hug had the anguish of the attack, mixed with werewolf strength. So it was a very bone crushing hug.

But I knew Kailen didn't care, as he hugged me back with the same strength. In fact, he was hugging me to the point that I couldn't breathe. And to be honest, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. This was the hug that I needed, I needed to know that he was physically okay. Because throughout the explosions, the mate link didn't go off once. I didn't hear from Kailen once. And I truly thought he was dead.

I hugged him tightly for just a second more, before I pulled away slightly. His hands immediately shot out to cup my face, as he stared at me with watery eyes. The big, tough alpha was now on the verge of tears. That was enough to make me tear up as well. I placed my hands over one of his hands, needing to feel his skin. I needed to believe that he wasn't hurt.

"Kailen," I choked out, "You didn't answer me. I called you in the link, and you..."

I let a tear slip down my face.

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