Down and Up~

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Hey hey hey. No A/N today, except for please remember to vote and comment. I love reading comments and they give me a drive to update.

That night I went to bed next to Kailen, thinking the next thing I would see would be Kailen's face. Sure, maybe I would've dreamt a little bit, and seen my parents, but eventually I would've woken up next to Kailen. And we would've started our day. That's how nearly every day started for me. 

But instead I woke up in the clouds, like I had never even left them. I wondered if maybe I was dreaming, I mean there's no way I had succeeded at what I was sent to earth to do—Not after a couple months.

But it was too vivid to be a dream—Too real.

I felt the panic rising in me, plaguing my brain with terrifying thoughts. What if I had died in my sleep? What if Kailen or my brother had killed me? Or what if the Moon Goddess decided that she missed me, and wanted me back?

All of those thoughts left me stuck with worry. I didn't want to be back here. Not yet.

I was about to panic some more when she appeared in a cloud. And I wasn't being metaphorical, she was actually in a cloud.

"Moon Goddess." I said, looking around. All I could see were clouds. There weren't even any stars, which was unusual because there were normally hundreds of them packed together.

What the hell was going on?

"Estrella," She greeted. I had forgotten how majestic her voice was, until it echoed around me, enclosing me like water.

"Why am I here?" I asked, watching as her face morphed into a soft smile.

"Why do you think you're here?" She asked, and my stomach dropped.

"I'm not dead am I?" I deadpanned, and she just laughed.

I didn't know what she found to be so funny, I mean that was a serious question. After her laughter, she shook her head, filling me with relief.

"Thank goodness," I spoke, "That would've really put a damper on things."

My sense of humor didn't seem to have any effect on the Moon Goddess, who simply just smiled. I mean was she going to do anything besides smile? Was she going to tell me what I was doing here?

As if she heard my thoughts, she spoke again.

"Great troubles are coming your way," She paused, "Are you ready for them?"

"Troubles?" I asked, "What the hell do you mean? Was Morgan killing my mate not enough? Was Morgan ripping my throat out not enough for you?"

I knew that most people would have dropped their jaws to the floor if they heard the way I was speaking to the Moon Goddess. I mean, come on, here I was, a simple werewolf yelling at the Moon Goddess. I, Estrella, was being down right disrespectful to the ancient one.

The old, ancient one could suck my toes for all I cared. And I didn't care one bit. She didn't scare me.

The Moon Goddess however seemed to ignore the disrespect that I'd just shown, as she floated closer to me. As she did get closer, she started to look less mythical and more like an actual person. And I think it was safe to say that this was the closest I had been to her.

Her blue eyes were practically staring into my soul, as she reached out for my hand. I stared at her hand for a few seconds, noticing how her tanned skin contrasted beautifully against my pale skin. But I wasn't here to be focused on her appearance. I was here to find out why I was here.

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