Playing Games~

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No A/N today, but please don't forget to vote and comment!!
Oh also, Matt Daddario is playing Morgan...hehe.





I felt my body come back to consciousness at the sound of a very old nickname of mine being called, and the inevitable feeling of dread.

I was here. He was here. And before I even opened my eyes, I could already picture his face. It was the face of the monster that ended my life a few years ago. It was the only face that terrified me.


I opened my eyes, which were painful and swollen from the wolfs bane gas. I could feel the effects of the wolfs bane in my system and on my skin, weakening me.

As my vision focused, the first thing I saw were my blistered and bloody hands which were bound by silver chains. The chains were bound so tightly that they were burning through my skin, and each little movement only made it worse. I was in so much pain from just that that I almost forgot the monster in front of me. Almost.

I met his eyes—His cruel brown eyes, which were not only twinkling with joy, but also a little bit of curiosity. I knew that he was wondering how I was alive, and I also knew that he planned on repeating our last interaction.

I was on death row right now, and my time was running out.

We continued to stare at each other, and though I was exhausted and in pain, I didn't let my eyes fall. I wouldn't die a coward. Not like last time.

I watched him reach his hand out to my face, and I pulled back as much as I could. I couldn't go far though since I was tied to a chair, so I had to let him touch me. I had to sit there as he just stroked my hair in silence, running his skeleton-like fingers through my locks.

It was agony.

He stopped after just a few seconds though, and smiled at me. I felt my gut churn anxiously, before he spoke.

"What a lovely surprise."

I remained fearfully silent, begging the moon goddess to help me.

"I've missed you."

By this point, my heart was pounding and my words were caught in my throat. I was so afraid of him, I was afraid of what he'd do to me. I knew that this time I wouldn't have the luxury of only having my throat ripped out. No, this time he'd probably torture me and make me suffer—After all, he was a psychopath.

Morgan kept his snake-like grin on his face the whole time, never once dropping it.

"I have to say Stella, I'm a bit surprised to see you alive though. I faintly remember ripping your throat out."

He paused.

"Did I not?"

"You did," I choked out. My voice wasn't stuck in my throat anymore, but the fear I felt stayed the same. I really didn't wanna die. I didn't wanna live on earth forever, I wanted to return to being a star. If I died here...Who knew where I'd end up.

I watched in disgust as Morgan set his hand on my thigh, squeezing it.

"I should've kept you," He spoke, "You would've been so much more fun."

I wanted to puke and scream and cry. I mean seriously, how despicable could this man be?

Though I was scared, I could feel my spunk coming back. I didn't want to die, but if I was going to go out, I would go out like a champ.

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