the story of a broken soul

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I guess it was an instinct to comfort him. I do it all the time..

People get traumatized from attacks.especially ones from error and the gang. So I talk and comfort the survivors. So when i saw killer crying. I talked before I even realized what I was doing. I'm guessing it was an instinct to worry as well. Because I couldnt help but feel horrible when i saw him like that.

Me and killer never really talked much. But the one time we did, he seemed so calm.

He was killing, like he always does..

I was trying to convince him to stop.

He seemed so calm and collected, even when under pressure.

I'm not gonna lie, I was sort of impressed.

I admired it.

I look in the room where nightmare brought error. Nightmare seemed worried. And tired..

I desided to leave him be. Hes most likely stressed. I walk to one of the storage rooms in the back and fill up a bag I found with suplies.

It's better to be safe then sorry.

I walk back to killer, who is still sitting on the couch. He wasn't crying, but he still seemed- off..

He seemed disappointed, and heartbroken..

Why do I feel horrible seeing him like this..?

I barely know the guy..

He notices me and gives a small smile.

I can feel my soul begin to pound.


"Did you get the container..?"

I look at him. Container? What container? Did he ask me to get a container??

He gives a small, very quiet laugh.

"Are you trying to kill me..? That place will tear me apart. I need the container that's around nightmares soul. You know- the one that kept him alive in there..?"



That container...

"Yeaaa! I got thatt..." I slowly start to walk to the room nightmares in. I see the gang facepalm and laugh. Their good friends I can tell. I'm glad they have eachother at least. I know most people dont treat killers to kindly.

I go to the room nightmares in and we manage to take off the apple shaped container. How are we going to put this on a target soul..?????

I walk out silently, thinking of how the heck we're gonna do this. I get back to killer.

"So... how are we going to fit this on your soul..?"

I watch as he takes the container and opens it, slipping his soul into the strong, magic filled, device. He closes the container around it, flinching as the container presses against his soul.

Dust looks at him worriedly

"Maybe we should find something that fits..-" he states.

"No. Its fine. I'll be alright. Cq might need us" kilker states quickly

I cant help but admire how he cares about someone he barely knows over himself. He might be a murderer. But yet hes still so kind..

God that's cute...

He looks at me. "You ready to go..?"

I nod

"But as soon as it starts effecting your soul, we're heading back. Ok..?"

the broken deaf soulWhere stories live. Discover now