a bad feeling

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I dont know what happened, i Just suddenly felt a tug on errors emotions..but not like his sanity snapped, more then it already has anyway... but like his emotions were being played with..used...like a puppet on someone's strings...I couldnt tell were his emotions were..they were in an au a few seconds ago, and now it feels like there everywhere...but nowhere at the same time...

I dont have a good feeling about this...


I couldnt tell If he was acting or not..he was crying....error never cried... I mean- hes a ruthless killer! Why wouldnt he be crying!? Its just to make me feel bad, but I'm not gonna fall for his tricks so easily! " give up error- " . . .

He talked...


He BEGGED me....

. . .

He PLEADED for help. . .

He said he didnt know what to do...that he had did this to him...

Why am I shaking. . . ?

Why do i feel scared for him . . . ?

I tried to bring myself to speak, but I felt frozen..not in fear, but in shock. "Error.." I went to go say more, before error collapsed, and a portal opened behind him.....


Black..white..and blue hands, grabbed him and threw him through the portal....I stared at the monster...he grinned at me and waved, a petrified expression spreading along my face, before the portal closed, and I felt all my fear rise... that face...I couldnt get it out of my head..his eye stared at me with pure hatred, and insanity...his blue smile filled me with terror...

I didnt know what to do..

I felt my legs shake, my arms tense, my eyes widen..I was scared


I knew something was wrong. Brother must have done something..I fealt a tug at an aus happiness, weather it was fear from the destroyer, or the negativity from nightmare, it was wrong. They had gone to far, a felt my power drain from all the negativity..I had to stop this.

I opened a portal and walked threw, spawning my bow and arrow..but there was nothing..I didnt see strings, and I didnt sense nightmares negative  aura. I ran the way a felt the most negativity and saw ink, I ran over to him worriedly "ink!"

He flinched at the sound and spawned his paintbrush, aiming it at me, I froze up and showed my hands, saying I mean no harm. Something had happened..ink never spawned his weapon if he didnt know who the opponent was....why did i sense so much negativity from him..

He saw it was me and he put his weapon down " ink what happened?!?" He just looked back where he was staring before " call the others..we need to have a meeting..call your brother and his team too... " he said. He sounded emotionless...and if he did show emotion, it was fear.. what happened..? " why?!??? Why my brother!???? What happened?!??? "

"Its error" he said. He looked at me with white eyes...white, emotionless eyes..

" error has been kidnapped by 404.. "

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