broken yet found

801 21 7

( !!!!⚠️WARNING⚠️!!!! This chapter contains suicidal mentions, VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED )


I rushed out of the room. Looking up and down the hallway for any sign of killer. My chest grew heavy with guilt as my breathing quickened. I needed to help him before he- no- no- he wouldnt do that to himself- ..right..?

my mind started to race with panic and worry. Errors happy face replaced with his. His smile made my chest grow heavy. If anything happened to him... i-.... I dont know what I'd do..

It seemed to click in me..

I'd been going after error, when someone just as perfect was right by my side.. I was blind to his feelings. I was blind to my feelings..

My breathing shook at the realization.

Error was nightmares. And killer..

He was mine.. I love him..

And now hes left thinking that no one cares.. I remembered how sad he was when we where searching for error and cq.. I had a suspicion that he was... thinking about doing things to himself..

But it just now sank in.

And I cant help him..

I ran around the whole base. Nowhere.. he was the base.. I needed to find him before he did what I think hes gonna do to himself.. I need to help him..

And I need to do it now.

I remembered when nightmare had brought me to the base with dream, so we could discuss about error. I remembered the au, and I think I remembered where..

I dont have much time..

I grabbed broomie off of my back and splashed the ink on him onto the floor, jumping through it.

My body felt weightless, like I was under water. The black ink world dripped around me. It looked exactly like the doodle sphere. The pages dripped with ink, and the air felt heavy. I seemed to swim over to the page of the au of nightmares palace. my body struggling to get over to the page. I know that time is slowed here. An hour here is less than a minute in the real world.. but it felt like a lifetime.. knowing that hes out there, probably feeling useless- I grabbed the paper and closed my eyes.

My body felt more heavy again as I came into the real world. My breathing felt normal again, air filling my 'lungs' instead of ink

( they have lungs now- idk )

I looked around at the forest, filled with snow filled trees, some still even seemed to have leaves on them. The au had been abandoned by its frisk a long time ago, leaving everyone to dust without reset. It was a wasteland. The old snowdin had buildings that had collapsed, grew old and dusty, and infected with bugs and rodents. I see why nightmare wanted to come here to hide out. It's one au that wouldnt bother them. That would keep them safe.

Give them a sense of home..

I ran in the endless snowy forest, the snow crunching under my shoes. I looked ahead at the sky through the shadows of the trees. I saw the peaks of a black castle covered in snow in the distance. Killers smile flashed in and out of my head as I ran to the castle.

The wind blew me back, but my legs didnt stop running, the endless snow hit my cloths and melted, coldness filled my body and i shivered. I got the the castle and pushed open the gates, the courtyard with a frozen water fountain stood in the middle of the yard. I ran past in and burst open the door, leading into a very large room. A large room with a nice chandelier. Despite the black outside, the inside walls where painted a deep tan, and the chandelier glowed a gold color on the walls. Despite the nice building, the furniture was old and small.

the broken deaf soulWhere stories live. Discover now