the secret

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I looked down at my bloody arm, and tried not to focus on the excruciating pain. My thoughts started filling my head as I felt tears stream down my face, and guilt and regret fill my body 'Why me. . . I'm sorry. . . I never wanted to destroy. . . I love the aus. . . It's not my fualt. . . Somebody


Please. . .

. . .I dont want to die alone. . .'


geno grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room, fresh following not far behind. 'What the heck is going on!???' Once we're alone, they both stay quiet. staring at the floor in what seems to be fear and worry. "What's wrong? What happened??" They both stay quiet for a long time,my worry grows fonder. " ink...we need to tell you a few things about error. . ." Geno says...his voice sounds like hes on the verge of tears..

Fresh hugs him and speaks with an emotionless tone " ink weve known error for all of our life...for a good reason...and we also know why 404 would do this..take him like this...and trust me..I dont think he means well..."

I was shocked

They were always against error destroying, but at the same time, they did always seem to be against our plans of hurting him..and I always wondered why..but I was grateful for it. I never wanted to hurt him either, but I didnt want him hurting people..I put up the tough act to hide my feeling...I hated them. The feelings. Hes my enemy after all. But at the same time. I noticed he never seemed happy when he destroyed. It was more like insanity, sadness, ..or just plain fear...

I asked him once why he did it..why he destroyed like this...and he looked like he wanted to answer, But fear spread across his face, and he just ran..leaving me there confused..I didnt know what was wrong with him. Or even what was going on..but I knew something was up, but yet every time I asked..he just stayed quiet..

Is 404 the reason..or is he only a part if this..or is he not in this at all..

"What do you mean" I say...

I want answers..


I saw ink, fresh, and geno walk out. My suspicion of the creator rose...I just trusted what ink and dream said when they came to me, seeming how I had felt something weird from error beforehand..but I never actually went to check to see if error wasnt just sitting in the anti void..I just took there words for it..but now that those three, walk off to talk..I'm not so confident..

I've kept a close eye on error. Not in a creepy way, but he was the strongest out of the others, so if he turned on me, I wanted to know. so that I would get ready for that fight. Not like I WANTED to hurt him...I actually wanted him to be happy... I loved his negativity physically..but seeing him smile.....I did something to me emotionally that just made my heart pound...and I could tell by the look on inks face when he talks about error, that he feels the same...I dont trust him..especially with error...the only reason I'm doing this is for error..and I knew he wouldn't just stand around wile someone else went to save error. Just like I wouldnt..

But I'm not just gonna stand around while they talk without me

Once wile I was watching error,I saw him meat up with geno and first I thought he was giving them info so they could give it to ink...but they just talked about how there lives have been... they talked for hours apon hours, like they were the best of friends..and I never understood why..I didnt want to ask, because if I did he would know that I was watching him, and he would question..I thought about him, and how they seemed to know eachother so well....I became jealous....I dont know why....

I followed them to the back room. . .


"How do you know him? What do you mean?" I say in a confused tone. Geno gets out of the hug and looks at me.."hes.....hes our brother...." i felt every thing in my body tense. 'The two people that i trust and call friends are brothers to my enemy!????? Why am I just now learning this!???' I'm guessing my thoughts showed in my expression, because fresh answered my question. " we didnt want you to know...we thought you wouldnt trust us....but... " " we know a lot of things about him...why he destroys...why 404 did this...and why error isnt who you think he is.....just like a person you think of as a mother, is actually the enemy here..." geno said...

My mother..?


The person I SEE as a mother...

What did she do wrong. . . ?

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