a familiar face, a familiar pain

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I woke up to an all to familiar black void, not the white anti void, but something that scares me much more..the ringing sound filled my empty thoughts...my head pounded with pain, and my sight became blurry...even the voices were quit...I stood up, my legs still wobbly from my tiredness. A sudden pain hit my spine and I spat out blood, ERRORS filling my vision, I turned around, and right before I began to reboot, i saw his face...

"Dad. . . . . . ."


I was sitting on the couch of the old, torn up palace, eating a sweet, delicious chocolate bar when nightmare walked in..with dream and ink.... I spawned my knife and got ready to attack when nightmare knocked it out of my hands. "What the heck night!!?" "Nows not the time to be fighting cross. Errors been kidnapped...by 404 himself...." he said,slightly pissed off. Dust had just walked in and his expression changed completely at the statement "what!??" He yelled. This was bad...one of the most gruesome and strongest monster in the multiverse had kidnapped someone we care abou- ......we work with...

This isnt gonna go over well..

( after a long wile they get all of them and bring them to the star base meeting room, everyone there is ink, dream, blue, nightmare, dust, cross, horror, killer, reaper, geno, fresh, fell, classic, outer, and sci. They all sit down )


I stand up and begin to talk " as you know, error sans, the destroyer, has been kidnapped by one of the strongest, and meanest sanses in the multiverse..we have gathered you here to find a plan to get him back safely-" fell stands up and has an angry expression " why should we help him! Let him die for christ's sake! He kills thousands of people! Hes a merciless killer!!-" i cut him off..." I know what's hes done.." I say " but wile we might be enemy's, us and nightmares group help eachother. . . If it was one of us in that situation, they would help us. That's our deal.. it's for the better of both us...they get there friend back, we dont have a death on our hands." Fells seems frustrated, but sits back down " now that we have all agreed, we need to find out where they are located..I saw a bit of were they went when I saw error get thrown through the portal by 404..it was pitch black, any ideas on where that might be?" Sci, speaks up " the only place with nothing but pitch black is somewhere none of us can go without being torn apart..the void..." everyone goes quiet... " sci, do you think you could create something that would make our souls stay together in the void. . ." He seems to become worried " w-well....maybe...but it's not certain, and I only have two. . .and not to mention it requires a lot of magic-" surprisingly enough, nightmare speaks up, with a stern voice " we'll take it..me and ink will go." "And we can give you the magic" killer pipes in. The rest of the group nods in agreement.. nightmare looks at me with a determined look. I look at sci. " how long do you think you'll need to get it ready? " sci speaks up again " not long at all..but are you sure.? " they all give determined look. Sci nods. " I'll have it done by tommorow, meet me here then " they nod and smile

Tommorow, well get error back-

I feel someone touch my back and turn around quickly to see fresh and geno..they look worried..

"Ink we need to talk to you" geno says
"Its serious.." fresh says...he didnt use his lingo...what's going on. . .


I got out of the reboot and got kicked in the face, falling back,hitting my head hard in the ground. The ringing sound gets louder. I look up at the angry 404, hatred and disappointment in his blue eye.

He says something before spawning his black strings, wrapping me up and pulling on my limbs, pain fills my legs, arms, and neck, I feel my strength dull, and all my resistance fade. I feel myself scream, but I hear nothing, everything seems dull without sound...it seems........empty..

He yanks on my arm with his strings and I feel it pop, I scream again, but I hear nothing. He smiles at my pain...

I beg for somebody to come..

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the broken deaf soulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora