the mistake

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( hi guys, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my story and I thank you for all the support! I hope you enjoy! )


No....this cant be happening...


He told him about F̵̧͚̰̤̹̱͉̂́͂̑̂̾̇̃͐̽̿̔̅̈̎̈́ą̶̃t̵̢̛̛̠̫͙̜͇͖̤͕̃̎̍͌͊̍̉̏̆̇̌͌͑̈́͒̈̄̃͂̆̆͌̀͒̚̚͠ễ̸̜̩̲́̅́̓̂̋̍͂̿͆̃͊̇͗͒̓̈́͑͂̄̔͘͘̚͘͝...

This isnt good...

He forgot to metion the deal....

The deal error made with F̵̧͚̰̤̹̱͉̂́͂̑̂̾̇̃͐̽̿̔̅̈̎̈́ą̶̃t̵̢̛̛̠̫͙̜͇͖̤͕̃̎̍͌͊̍̉̏̆̇̌͌͑̈́͒̈̄̃͂̆̆͌̀͒̚̚͠ễ̸̜̩̲́̅́̓̂̋̍͂̿͆̃͊̇͗͒̓̈́͑͂̄̔͘͘̚͘͝

She said if anyone knew about him...she'd kill him....she'd tourcher him.....he's just gonna get more hurt...

" what have you done . . . "

They all looked at me in suprise. I had blended into the shadows so no one knew I was there. I felt my voice start to break, and my negativity drip off my body, leaving a black goopy puddle under my purple boots. It's been a wile sense I've been in this form..but I couldn't help it...

" you've killed error....F̵̧͚̰̤̹̱͉̂́͂̑̂̾̇̃͐̽̿̔̅̈̎̈́ą̶̃t̵̢̛̛̠̫͙̜͇͖̤͕̃̎̍͌͊̍̉̏̆̇̌͌͑̈́͒̈̄̃͂̆̆͌̀͒̚̚͠ễ̸̜̩̲́̅́̓̂̋̍͂̿͆̃͊̇͗͒̓̈́͑͂̄̔͘͘̚͘͝.....she'll kill him.... "

" what..??" Fresh spoke up in a confused like tone

Anger raged through my body " YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!?! YOUVE KILLED ERROR! F̵̧͚̰̤̹̱͉̂́͂̑̂̾̇̃͐̽̿̔̅̈̎̈́ą̶̃t̵̢̛̛̠̫͙̜͇͖̃̎̍͌͊̍̉̏̆̇̌͌͑̈́͒̈̄̃͂̆̆͌̀͒̚̚͠ễ̸̜̩̲́̅́̓̂̋̍͂̿͆̃͊̇͗͒̓̈́͑͂̄̔͘͘̚͘͝..! She'll kill him....! " I felt tears roll down my cheeks. My legs wobbled and I tried not to fall to my knees " she said to error that if anyone knew about her..or how error was forced...she'd kill You- ILL KILL YOU! " Rage filled my body and I felt my negativity cover half of my body. ( the pic at the top ) I go to attack him when suddenly the door burst open and a lot of footstep run in and a positive feeling surrounds my soul/apple 'dream...' I scowl and look at them. Dream, dust,cross,horror,and killer look at me. Dream speaks to me in a calm tone " brother, please calm down. " he takes a step towards me and I feel my anger grow. I aim my tentacles at him and they grow stiff, looking like spikes. He stops in his tracks " boss please calm down! " cross says running in front of dream "were not here to fight! Think about erro-" " ERRORS DEAD!!! " I scream with tears running down my face. I tried to stop them, but I couldn't stop thinking of error. His smile, his laugh.. kate will kill him.. I feel my legs give out and I fall to my knees in a crying fit, tears plopping on the ground, getting absorbed in the negativity. Dream runs over and hugs me, one arm around my waist and the other on the back of my head as I cry into his chest, clinging onto his cloths. He felt..warm...I felt happy around him..just like back when we were at the tree. . . Before I ate the apple. . . I didnt want to let go. . .he spoke to me with calming words, stroking the back of my head, hugging me protectively. I felt a child again.. 'no! It's just stupid emotions... it's just his aura!' I stand up " I dont need your help.. " I wipe the tears and dream stands up, looking at me worriedly. Just like he did when all those kids beat me up...when we were at the tree.. why do I miss him..? " brother.." he says worriedly.. I scowl at him and glare daggers. " I said..I DONT NEED YOUR HELP" I said,Not looking at him. I coukdnt stand to see his pitiful expression. . . I cant stand to be this weak. . . " I look at the door they came from "let's just get error back" I look at geno " before someone else gets to him first "

( the next day )


I was talking to sci, who had brought in the matchine to keep nightmares 'soul' from shattering, and to keep me from getting torn apart, when nightmare walked in with his gang. Wich was suprising. It was 5 in the morning and not even dream was tried to come, but carrot wouldnt allow him, especially sense it's about error.. but what was more surprising is that he was in his positive form.. he walked over to sci,without looking at me and spoke in a emotionless tone "is it ready?" Sci nods " good. Let's get this over with. What do we need to do " sci speaks " I simply need to connect this to your soul" he holds up a container in the shape of a apple with little metal circles around the center " I'll hook up there souls to this machine, ( is talking about the gang ) and these magnetic metal portals with transfer most of there magic to your soul, keeping it from shatering" he looks at me " a I need you to to put this on " he holds up a chest plate with the same metal circles on them " sense you dont have a soul, you can just put this on your chest, rushing magic and ink into your system, sense I know ink holds you together" I snicker " you've really thought of everything, havent you sci " he gives a worried smile " well, if I didnt it might put your lives in danger, so i try. " i smile and look at nightmare, who is now looking at me. "Are you ready to go get glitch?" Nightmare looks at me with a glare. " he dosnt like it when you call him by his real name. I tried calling him that before, and he stopped me real quick. But to answer your question, yes. I'm ready to save error, but we need a plan just in case 404 shows up. hes stronger then all of us combined."
A smile appeared on my face. " I have an idea " they look at me

This is gonna be fun

( after explaining )

I put on the chest plate and grab a green orb, along with a bright blue orb. ' these will save you error, and I'll keep you safe. You'll be with me soon '
I put them in a small bag that I quickly put around my arm and look at the others. Nightmare was putting on the container around his 'soul', seeming deep in thought, and sci was hooking up the gang to the big bulky matchine. I'm still suprised on how he built that in one night..or did he already have it? That dosnt matter. Once they were all hooked up and ready, I looked at nightmare, who had spawned his staff, seeming how he was in his positive form, And grabbed a few smoke bombs and flash  grenades. " are you ready? " I said
" ready as I'll ever be. I'm not used to being a distraction, but I'm willing to do it if it means getting error back " I smile " thats the spirit! " I happily state.

I open a portal

' I'll be with you soon my love..and you'll be safe in my arms '

the broken deaf soulWhere stories live. Discover now