Chapter 3~ The photo

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I go back downstairs and grab some snacks and a drink before going to turn on my movie.

About 45 minutes in Peter walks down the stairs. "Aye Parker you made it!" I said while he walked to the couch.

He laughed a little before responding. "Yeah, what are we watching?"

"Suicide squad" I replied with a smile. "Hm I don't think I've ever seen this one" he said as he sat down next to me.

"Well lets watch it" I pressed play on the remote to continue the movie.

After the movie finished everyone came back and went to sleep because it was pretty late, but Peter and I decided to watch one more movie, he chose this time.

He picked a scary movie therefore hoping to make a move later or something. About 25 minutes in theres a jump scare, that when it happens I completely hide my head in Peters chest holding onto him.

"You ok Soph?" He said with a little chuckle as he wrapped his arms over me.

"Not really but I'll be fine." I said as I slowly sat up, still not letting go of him though.

It was getting cold so he reached behind me and pulled the blanket over us.

After the movie Peter and I said goodnight and went to bed.

About 2 hours later its now 1 in the morning and I couldn't sleep because I was just thinking of the movie. I walk to Peters room (which is beside mine), and his door is open a bit so I open it more to find him just sitting on the side of his bed.

"Hey" I said as I walked in, knocking a bit on the door.

"Oh hey, whats wrong, you should be asleep."He said sounding concerned.

"So should you. As for me, well I just couldn't sleep." I told him as I closed the door therefore to not wake anyone else.

"Yeah same" Peter replied before looking back down at the floor. His face than brightened and went back to normal as he looked at me.

"Hey do you wanna sleep here tonight?" he asked.

As a smile appeared on my face I walked over to him. "Sure" I replied.

"If i'm on my own i'm not going to sleep anyway" I said as I sat beside him.

The next morning Peter and I are cuddling on our sides facing each other with his arms around me and my head in his chest.

We sleep in because we went to sleep about 3 in the morning. Wanda, after looking in my room, knocks on Peters door to but theres no response so she opens the door to find us on his bed sleeping.

She takes a photo of the two of us and closes the door to go downstairs with everyone else.

"Are the kids going to be up soon?" Tony asked Wanda as she entered the main room.

"No," she replied. "I decided to let them sleep longer." She said with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Whats the face for?" Natasha asked. Wanda showed them the photo. "You gotta be kidding me!" Tony said as he stood up to come upstairs but Steve stopped him.

"Tony just think about what your doing" Steve got the photo and zoomed in on my face, "look at her smile, when did you last see her smile like that"

Tony looked at the photo and back at Steve. "It's a new one" he replied.

"Tony, Parker is a good kid and he doesn't know that you're Sophia's dad" Natasha added.

"Just let them be for a bit. I don't think they went to bed till 1 or something."

Tony seeing he's out numbered agrees to sit down and try to relax. About an hour later Peter and I wake up.

"Morning" he says in a sleepy voice as he opens his eyes. I bury my head closer to him. "Mmm morning."

Right once I finish talking we both realize how we are positioned and were sleeping before separating and going downstairs with everyone else.

Once we get down there everyone looks at us with smiles except for my dad who just looks unamused.

"Morning kids" Tony says as he sits up and walks over to us. "Tony" Steve says with a tone telling him to not do something.

"What" Tony replied. "Just going to talk with Peter for a bit."

"No your not" Natasha adds. Tony looks at her confused. "Sorry but since when do you tell me what to do?" He asks as he turns to face her.

"Since it's not yours to tell Tony. It's not your job to and you aren't going to."

Peter and I look at each other, Peter turns to them and asks "whats going on?"

I engage myself after realizing whats going on "oh God" I whisper under my breath.

"Peter lets go get breakfast while they figure out what they are doing." He looks at me confused and just replies with an "Ok"

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