Chapter 12: Hospital bound

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"So I can take her home with me in two days then?" "Not exactly" the doctor said solemnly...


My heart skipped a beat. "I'm sorry Miss Maraj, but your daughter was malnourished, extremely under weight and we need to find out was led her to Jump off the bridge, so until we are given proof that you are not unfit parents you shall not be living with your daughter" he continued leaving the room. I sighed and looked at Safaree but he didn't meet my eyes this time. This is all my fault.


Jump of a bridge!? I'm pretty sure I didn't do that, did I? I curled up into a ball and burrowed into Daddy's chest. "It'll be OK" he whispered into my hair. Soon two more people entered the room an two kind looking Ladies, a Man in his late 30s, a boy aged about 15-16 and a woman and some kids, who looked about age 5, 13 and 9. "Onika, Safaree, we have talked it through and we have been informed by the doctor that the person who Liv will stay with until this is sorted out will be me." The Woman who looked like Mom. My mom sat me in her lap and hugged me nodding. "At least I can still visit" she smiled weakly. They all one by one came up to me and hugged me and I confusedly hugged them back. "How are you?" The boy asked "fine thanks um...?". They looked at me slightly hurt and confused "she's suffering from amnesia" Mom said to them quietly as if I was crazy. Suddenly "Liv this is your Uncle Micaiah (but you just call him Caiah), Your Grandma Carol ,your Gramma your, cousins Kelly, Mia and Anniese and Your Aunties Thembi, Sherika, Candice and Thembi"

" I nodded and hugged Mom tighter " that's a lot of names" I laughed. "Are those gifts in there?" I called pointing to a large bag with my index finger. They nodded trying not to laugh "can... I have then?" I said excitedly. "Same old Liv" they laughed as I pouted and went red faced. "Aww is my baby embarrassed" Mommy cooed as I looked at her with a blank expression. Everyone talked for a while as I watched and eventually left, they act really cautious around me as if I'm a ticking time bomb and I don't like it. Honestly its annoying when you can't remember anything about yourself or your family, I know so little that I don't even know if they're actually my family. "You OK?" Daddy asked me worriedly. "Mhmm" I said nodding vaguely not relevealing an lot. He kissed me on my forehead an du smiled weakly.

*that evening*

After Safaree had fallen asleep I pretended to be asleep to hear quiet little sobs from the hospital bed. I got up from Safaree's lap, and got into the bed. I turned Liv around to face me "what's wrong?" I asked her. "I don't know anything about my life I don't know how I got here I don't know anything And its frustrating, I'm trying so hard to remember but I cant" Liv said bawling. "Shhh, shhh its okay" I began rocking her. I don't think shed want to remeber her past if she knew how bad it was, she did seem really blue before the coma. "tell me what do you want to know" I asked. "What is your job?" She asked. "I'm a rapper" I told her. "WOAH that's so cool, are you famous?" I nodded and her eyes went the size of lightbulbs.

"You know you could've maybe told me I was a celebrity child!?" She said with an attitude. "sorry" I laughed. "And how old am I?" She asked. "You just turned 13 but you like to tell people your nearly 14" Mom giggled. "And you?" She asked "32" I said kindly. She nodded and their was a silence. "Mom?" She whispered after a while into the darkness "Yes pumpkin?" I replied. "Tell me stories about when I was younger" she said. I began to speak and she laid her head on my chest looking up at me hanging onto my every word. And hour of stories she looked up at me again "Mommy do you think I'll get my memory back?" She asked me hopefully. "Of course I do" I smiled. "You really think so!?" She said happily. "I know so" I said kissing her forehead. "Thanks mom" she mumbled sleepily nuzzling into my chest and falling asleep.

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