chapter 6: save me

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*listen to the music on the video on loop while you read the chapter*


I woke up rubbing my throbbing head and looked around me at the empty whisky and vodka bottles around me. Last night i had gone out to dinner with my friend Candice and tmz had caught the whole thing twisting around the story as if she was my girlfriend, but at the same time its my fault because I had intended for Nika to see it and get jealous. I can't eat, I can't sleep and I can't function without Nic, I would walk to the ends of the earth for her and Liv. I suddenly widened my eyes LIV. I had really let her down yesterday. I tried calling her but she ignored the call. Before turning off my phone I tweeted 'Daddy Loves you princess' hoping she'd see it. I made a mistake letting the most beautiful woman and little girl down, and I will do whatever I can to fix it.


I woke up in Mom's bed and turned around seeing she wasn't there. I went down stairs looking for her before seeing her sat in the kitchen. "Hi" I said quietly. She blanked me as if I wasn't there before carrying on eating. I hung my head before continuing "i really am sorry about yesterday,I was just angry, your not a slut, I love you" I whispered a tear falling from my eye. She ignored me glaring at me slightly again before picking up her plate putting it in the dishwasher and leaving the house. I sat there trying to process what had just happened. I then called Sophia and Josè and they picked up on the second ring I heard laughter in the background. I began to speak "Hi guys I-" "sorry Liv but we're super busy right now, we'll call you later k?" They interrupted and hung up on me. "I need someone to talk to" I whispered ending my sentence as i put the phone down. I then called Dad but the call wouldn't go through that means his phone is off. Everyone is mad at me and I don't know why. But I really messed up with mom, what kind of daughter calls their parent a slut!? My phone began to vibrate meaning my mom and Dad were tweeting "wanted fame. I gave you my blessing. I still love. I still love. I'll  always love. So disappointed" mom tweeted.  Dad replied "I'm disappointed too you're doing something to me publicly that the public doesn't know you're doing but you're the victim because your famous" . I began to hyperventilate and held onto the sofa so I didn't fall over, my parents were arguing on twitter! I watched them go back and forth before tweeting; mom dad you guys are so much better than this... Stop please.. Seconds later they retweeted the tweets and the fight died down slowly. I sat down and sighed deeply. I then  went onto E! And gasped as I saw a story on my Mom my Dad and my existence being discussed as if it was breaking news. I'm so lucky that's my twitter was originally on private.

Nicki pov

I drank and drank in the club until I was numb. "One more shot of vodka please" i slurred tipsy. I miss Safaree like crazy and the twitter fight we just had was really messy. Even seeing him with another woman broke my heart even though I've been doing the same thing to him. That's one of the reasons I ignored Liv, I woke up such a bad mood and I didn't want to talk. I then left the club hammered and took a taxi home. Everything is so distorted.


Mom staggered in through the door. "Mommy I'm sorry please forgive me, I love you" I said grabbing onto her waist. She quickly pushed me off of her and walked upstairs slamming the door. I'm not leaving her that easy. I then opened Moms bedroom door and gasped as I saw Mom downing a lot of percocets. "You promised" I said teary eyed watching her. "Well Promises are meant to be broken" she said lighting a blunt. "NO," I began yelling "I KNOW YOU MISS DAD BUT THIS ISNT THE WAY TO GO ABOUT IT, I CAN HELP YOU WE CAN WORK TOGETHER, please don't throw you life away". She looked weary and sad the complete opposite of my mom "not now Liv" she said. Anger seethed up in me "YOUR 32 NOT 16 GET IT TOGETHER" I yelled now furious. "WHERE ARE YOU KEEPING THEM?" I continued I recalled one of her lyrics from one of her songs "WHAT ABOUT IN YOUR HANDBAG?" I screamed emptying out on the floor and crushing them beneath my foot. Mom walked up to me pure rage in her eyes and slapped me leaving me on the floor holding my cheek. I felt my cheek get hot and swell up. "Dont you EVER, speak to me like that okay?" She said gaining soberness. "You're just like grandpa" I said crying. She flinched as I said that. "Get out of my house" she said icily "I don't want to see you again understood?". "No im sorry, please I didn-" "GO" she interrupted me. I turned around began walking down the stairs tears falling. "Sometimes I wish that when I saw you in Trinidad I left you there" she muttered. "Oh Yeah?" I yelled with watery eyes. "Me TOO" I said with everything within me slamming the house door so hard I almost knocked the hinges off. I then called my auntie Sherika "come get onika" I blankly said hanging up and throwing my phone into a bush. I'm sick of doing people favours I'm sick of looking after my mom everytime she fights with Dad I'm sick of it all. This is the one thing I'm doing for me, ending it all.  I walked to the now isolated park and sat down in one of the benches, this park was no longer a happy place for me, just somewhere that's  full of  memories, that i don't want to remember anymore. I'm the one who apparently started the arguing so I'm going to be the one who ends it. I stood at the edge of the bridge closing my eyes then at the stars in the night sky. I took a deep breath in "Angels can fly" I said as I jumped.

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