chapter 3: you are my sunshine

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I woke up this morning with a killer headache and the house smelt of weed. WAIT THE HOUSE SMELLS OF WEED."Shit" I exclaimed I had forgotten about yesterday "LIV?" I called, no reply. I got up and frantically ran around the house

cleaning up before getting rid of the weed smell with air freshner.

I slumped down in the Dining room chair before seeing a note from Liv on the table:
I have gone to the Garcia's house for the night and will be back tomorrow after school. I stopped by olive garden to get you something to eat but you were clearly busy. its on the table if you still want it.

I suddenly felt really bad, she has enough on her plate as it is and I'm not making things any easier for her by burdening her with my problems too, she's 13 and she has to buy food for her mother. I joined the rap game so she wouldn't have to do that but instead we are going backward.I really need to become a better Mom because at age 13 she shouldnt be looking after herself and I. When she gets back from school I'm going to apologise. Suddenly my phone vibrated: I had 5 missed calls from Faree, I turned my phone off and threw it onto the floor, right now I just need to focus on Liv.


"OLIVIA THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT" mom hissed at me. "WELL DONE OLIVIA YOU RUINED EVERYTHING" said dad. "BECAUSE OF YOU WE CANT BE TOGETHER" They screamed at the same time. " YOU RUIN EVERYTHING" Moms last word echoed beggining to change in tone EVERYTHING,EVERYTHING,EVERYTHING.

"yeah this first day back at school is everything" Sophia said to Josè while brushing her hair. thank God I was just dreaming I thought before exhaling deeply. "Mhmm whatever you say, but we are only halfway through our first semester" laughed José who was sat taking selfies on Sophia's phone. " I looked up at the ceiling in thought about my dream maybe it was true maybe I do ruin everything. "Hi chica" said Josè gently as he and Sophia smiled at me. I looked at them still in thought before bursting into tears, who am I kidding i do ruin everything. "Awww, its ok dont cry" Sophia ran to me her black boots clicking on the floor before wrapping her arms around me with Josè hugging me the opposite way to sophia. For a moment i just hugged them back and cried. " Now tell us what's worrying your pretty little self, sometimes it mames the situation less stressful in you confide in someone" smiled Josè rubbing my back. "I told them everything making sure to miss out my Mom and Dads fight and drug use. "I know its tough" Sophia said "but everything gets better in the end i promise you". "And our parents sometimes say things to us that a harsh and really hurt but we all do, in truth I think your Mom didn't mean what she said she was probably just stressed and under a lot of pressure since her job has been very hectic lately" "I mean its not easy being nicki Minaj" said Jose. "Yeah" I laughed sadly. "But at the same time your parents really need to see things from your point of view because you are under a lot of stress too" he continued. "Thanks guys I really appreciate you letting me vent to you" I smiled wiping a tear. "Its okay honestly, we'll be here for you through thick and thin, now chin up beautiful" grinned sophia. I smiled back I really do have the best friends in the world. "Where are your parents?" I asked the twins. "Mom is on set for the modern family shoot and Dad is on a business trip" Josè stated grabbing his light pink docs from a cupboard down the hall. "And we have 1 hour and a half until school so you can shower and whatever" Sofia Laughed. "Okay" I shouted behind me as I closed the door to Sofia's bathroom and turned on the shower after brushing my teeth.

After I had come out of the shower I put on a oversized denim jacket( look at picture), some black leggings and some black Versace boots. I then straightened my curly hair slightly to make it wavy and applied some lipgloss.

I ran down the stairs of the twins', house and perched myself onto one of the kitchen stools "Heyy you look cute" said Josè while cutting a coconut in half. He filled each half with fruit and whipped cream and then gave me one half of the coconut. "This is really good" I murmed mouth filled with coconut and raspberry" "well" he replied pretending to toss his hair over his shoulder while laughing. "Nah that's rabbit food" Laughed Sophia who had made herself bacon and eggs. "No this isn't not rabbit food, you should of seen what Mom eats sometimes" I laughed. "Laurieann hired a personal trainer for Mom just before the Pink Friday Reloaded tour" I continued "like I didn't like her because she went into our kitchen and took out all the candy and replaced them with aubergines and shit" I said laughing uncontrollably. "We remember, it was in 5th grade, " Sophia and Josè laughed "and you called us asking for us to smuggle you some candy". "I nearly died, like imagine no Popeye's for 2 months" I said grimacing. My smile quickly vanished when i thought about the state of mind my Mom is current in. Sophia looked out the window and gasped "I can hear manny outside we need to hurry up or we'll miss school". "Hello kids" smiled Manny the Garcia's limo driver. "Are you excited to go back to school?" He asked. "Not particularly" Josè stated laughing slightly. "Y'know when I was younger..." He began speaking very animatedly showing exaggerated expressions on his wrinkly face. He carried on speaking until we arrived outside the school building.

"Well thanks Manny it was nice seeing you" I said waving and closing the door". "No problem" he said tipping his hat at me. "And I shall see you two this evening" He said to Jose and Sophia before driving off. "I like Manny he's interesting" I said to Sophia. "But a tad bit old fashioned no?" She laughed. "yeah" I giggled. When I got to my locker I looked up at it exasperated, the school always gives me one of the highest lockers in the school and I'm the smallest in my grade. What kinda sick joke is this??? "Okay Josè this is embarrassing but can you get my books from my locker please, I can't reach it" I giggle nervously "sure" he said reaching up and handing me my textbooks. Sophia began "what have you go-" "well, well,well if it isn't Midget ,tweedle Dee and tweedle dum" a snobby voice called. "Reign goodbye, go help your mom sell some mixtapes on PayPal or something and stop bothering me" I said dismissing her by waving my hand. "Someone is salty because their mom isn't the queen of rap" snarled Reign. At this point Josè and Sophia burst out laughing "queen of rap my ass" muttered Sophia. "Anyway when are you going to tell the world your Mom is Nicki Garbaj?" she questioned rudely. "When you tell the world your mom is Kremlin" I stated casually. We may hate each other but one thing neither of us would do is expose each other to the media, we know how bad they are and wouldn't ever take things that far. She gave me a hard push. I quickly turned on my heel I'm not going to be like this she's not even worth fighting. "Besides" Josè said behind his shoulder as we walked away, "its not like anyone know who your Mom is anyway". "Well at least unlike someone else's mom she isn't trying to mend a heartbreak by overdosing on drugs" she retorted.
I froze in my steps convinced reign didn't just talk all that me of all people...

"I'm sorry...what?"

Reign smirked "you heard me...your mommy is a total methhead, and I'm not surprised your daddy left her..."

"Bitch I swear on god, you better take that shit back right now..."

"Liv..." Sophia mutters quietly to me like I'm a child.
"It's not worth it, cmon"

"No, I'm not taking it back, you mom is a crazy fucking druggie and they're going to lock her away in a fucking nuthouse where she belongs" reign shouted.

I saw red, all I remember was me launching at her, a crowd of people forming around us, people yelling at me to stop and blood everywhere. I may be small, but once I get's over.

Long story short I beat that someone should of a long ass time ago

"I am extremely disappointed in you two especially on the first week back, this is not the behavior I expect from a SOHS student" said our principal. "Miss maraj Samuels you are suspended for a week and You

Miss Blanco will serve 2 months detention and shall help me out I'm my office here during break for this isn't the first time I've heard complaints about you being unpleasant to pther childreb" "Reign you may leave,Olivia you stay here, I will call your father as I can't get to your mother right now"

"Hello mr samuels" the rest became indistinct. "he is outside waiting for you and I will escort you out in case you decide to run away " We walked into the carpark towards Dad's red aventador" and The principal (Mrs Addams) saw him and walked back into the school.

"Daddy" I yelled running into his arms he picked me up and span me around "I missed you, and I'm sorry about getting suspended" I muttered into his torso. " hey, its ok , and I missed you too princess" he said. " why did you hit Reign" he asked me. " because daddy," I began with a sigh "she was badmouthing my family and Nobody does that and gets away with it". He shook his head and sighed laughed to himself "okay" he said before opening the car door for me. I got in and he closed the door for me before opening his side and getting in the car. " so" he began " I was going to take you after school but since we have a lot of time on our hands, do you want to go and get ice creams from the park? " he asked. Me mommy and daddy used to do that all the time when I was little. "Yes" I said eyes lighting up. " I would like that very much daddy " I continued cheesing.

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