Chapter 7

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Appledusk knew Oakstar would say yes, he had to. It's not as if there was another option if he believed Appledusk's lies. Why was he so shocked when he heard a 'yes' from the leader then? "Our plan is in motion. My cats have already settled in Thunderclan and are training alongside Thunderclan warriors" Appledusk looked back and saw Shadow emerge from the forest. "And the messengers?" "The message was delivered. Don't worry." Shadow sat down next to Appledusk, smirking. "Good." Appledusk nodded. Something inside him still didn't feel quite right. He was leading an enemy clan to attack his clan. 'Riverclan isn't your clan anymore and Thunderclan isn't the enemy. Mapleshade is.' that seemed to convince him. He didn't know how but he was sure Mapleshade did something to get Reedshine to back her up. Maybe if he killed Mapleshade Reedshine would see that she's just a lying fox-heart. "You seem distant. What's on your mind?" Shadow asked. "Just thinking about how great it'll be to see Mapleshade dead." he replied. "It'll happen soon Apple" Shadow replied sitting down "so what's the next stage in the plan?" Appledusk thought for a moment, "Oakstar is going to try to convince the other clans to join him during the next gathering." 'And then we strike' he thought. "Why would the other clans help us?" That was a good point. "Maybe Mapleshade is feeling like attacking the other clans too." that would work, right? Shadow purred, "I love a good revenge plan" she smiled. The two cats turned to look behind them as the leaves rustled and a cat appeared. "Oakstar wants your help for an attack plan." a grey tom told them. "We'll be there." Appledusk told him. He nodded and disappeared again. "Aren't you coming?" Appledusk asked Shadow when she didn't follow him. "Eventually." she said ominously. "Ok.." Appledusk trotted back to the Thunderclan camp to help Oakstar come up with a battle plan. 'How would this even work? I've never had to plan a war.' he grumbled that Shadow should've come with him. When Appledusk went inside Oakstar's den he was discussing battle plans with Beetail already. "Appledusk. Beetail and I thought it would be best if you joined us since you know Riverclan's territory better than any of us." Oakstar nodded as the warrior sat beside Beetail. "What do you think if we came in from Sunning rocks?" Beetail asked Appledusk. He shook his head, "Riverclan keeps a close watch on Sunning rocks in case Thunderclan decides to claim it." 'I would know' "We should attack from the gorge instead," Appledusk told the other two cats. "Riverclan might be small in numbers but they know how to attack. I would suggest getting help from the other two clans, they wouldn't stand a chance." Oakstar growled, "We do not need help from Shadowclan frog-faces or Windclan Mange-pelts." Beetail nodded in agreement. Appledusk hissed, "If you don't get allies then Riverclan will. Do you really think you could face the other three clans?" Oakstar was tense but Appledusk could see that he knew he was right. "Fine. We'll send a patrol to Windclan and Shadowclan." Oakstar said, mostly to Beetail who left to gather cats. "Let me come. If they know I'm with you they'll know we're telling the truth." Appledusk stood. Oakstar sighed "Alright fine. Just go" Appledusk left Oakstar"s den quickly. 'The plan is working well, soon all of the clans will be on my side and I will be able to kill mapleshade' he thought. "Alright, Oakstar has told me to make two patrols to get help from Windclan and Shadowclan" Beetail announced to the clan "Frecklewish and Bloomheart, you two will be coming with me to Shadowclan. As for Deerdapple an-" "I'm coming too" Shadow said walking into the camp along with two of her rouges. "No," Beetail told her "You're still a rouge, you can't be trusted." "Well too bad" Shadow responded walking over to where Frecklewish was standing "I'm goin' with ya." Beetail, deciding that there was no point in arguing with the rouge, moved on "Well then Deerdapple, You and Seedpelt will be going to Windclan. "I'll go with them" Appledusk interjected. "Fine! Why not? Let's just have everyone join shall we?" Beetail mumbled grumpily, only loud enough for a few cats to hear him. "Well, then Bee," Shadow said, smirking "You wouldn't mind if I brought a few rouges along, would you." Beetail grumbled. "Fine. Let's go" he said flicking his tail and leading the Shadowclan patrol out of camp. Shadow nodded to a few of the spectating rogues which followed them. Appledusk flicked his tail for the Windclan patrol to follow him and a few rogues joined in as well. They trotted out of the lush green Thunderclan forest and into the open moorland of Windclan. They quickly ran into a patrol who led them straight to Windclan's camp. "More visitors?" Appledusk heard someone whisper in the crowd of warriors as his patrol stepped inside the camp which had an odd stench of fish. "What does Thunderclan want?" Greenstar demanded, emerging from her den. "Riverclan is going to attack Thunderclan and we need your help." Appledusk explained. "Why would you need our help Appledusk? You've already got a little band of rogues to help you and Thunderclan." She hissed. "Because Mapleshade didn't only convince Riverclan to attack Thunderclan with her lies, all clans are in danger with her alive." Greenstar flicked her tail for the spectating cats to quiet down. "Spare me your lies. Riverclan was already here. We know you got exiled and are just looking for revenge." Greenstar glared at Appledusk, none of them breaking eye contact. 'Well played Mapleshade. But it won't help you' he thought. "You mouse brains! You're just falling for Mapleshade's lies!" hissed Deerdapple from behind Appledusk. Appledusk flicked his tail in warning for her to shut it. "Do not disrespect me in my own territory. Appledusk is the liar and Thunderclan should send him away before they start a war they cannot finish." The tension between the cats was so great Appledusk thought Starclan themselves would come down from Silverpelt to break up the cats. "You are not welcome here." Greenstar said finally, nodding to a white and brown cat. He hissed, and jumped to stand in between the leader and the patrol, a few other warriors joining him. "You will regret this Greenstar." Appledusk hissed as him and his patrol bolted out of Windclan, warriors chasing them. As they reached the safety of the lush green forest the Windclan cats stopped chasing them. "Go back to where you belong you fish-breath" Appledusk heard one of the Windclan cats hissing at him. "I can't believe they fell for Mapleshade's lies." Hissed Seedpelt. "Lets just hope the Shadowclan Patrol is faring better." Appledusk said, looking in the direction the Shadowclan Patrol went.

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