Chapter 4

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Mapleshade could feel the Riverclan cat's gazes burning through her pelt, she kept her head down and occasionally glanced back at her kits. A familiar orange she-cat ran up to Appledusk and Mapleshade recognized her at once; She was Reedshine, the warrior who had fussed over Appledusk during the gathering. Mapleshade's gaze was on the two, Reedshine gasped, "Are you ok? What's going on? Did someone fall in the river?" She noticed Mapleshade "What's she doing here?" Darkstar stepped out of the reeds and the whispering of the cats around Mapleshade fell silent. Appledusk stepped forward, leaving Mapleshade behind with Reedshine, the two warriors, and her kits. 'He hasn't even asked what I named them' "Three kits almost drowned in the river." He declared, looking straight at Darkstar. 'Ask me their names!' Mapleshade thought furiously, "And.. I am their father." he lowered his head, looking at the floor. Darkstar's ear twitched, "What do you mean Appledusk? And what are they doing here?" her voice was stern and Mapleshade wanted to say something but Appledusk interrupted. "I'm sorry Reedshine. Please, forgive me." he turned to look at her, bowing his head. He turned back to the clan and continued, "Many moons ago I met Mapleshade in secret." As Appledusk went on to tell their story to the clan Mapleshade she sat down, curling her drenched tail around her. 'He's going to make them take his side. I'm going to lose everything. I'm a horrible mother' She let a tear drip down her face, or was that more river water? "What even brought you here tonight?" Appledusk was going to speak out but Darkstar flicked her tail for him to be silent. The question was directed at Mapleshade. "I- I was exiled from Thunderclan because of my kits." her kits had been taken to the medicine den by now and their weak mews could be heard. "Please, Darkstar, I will leave your territory but please, allow my kits to stay. I won't be able to fend for them and they wouldn't survive. They will make amazing Riverclan warriors I promise." her voice was cracking with pain and sorrow, it hurt to even think about being seperated from her kits but she had to do what was best for them. Darkstar was clearly thinking, judging what she would need to do. "Darkstar, Mapleshade was clearly just trying to protect her kits" Reedshine spoke, and everyone turned to look at her. Mapleshade was shocked that she would defend her but not as shocked as Appledusk. "She is a strong cat and her kits could make wonderful warriors. She's already shown her dedication to Riverclan, coming here as her first option after being exiled." she stepped forward to stand next to Mapleshade. "She wouldn't survive out there and I'm willing to trust her." Murmurs emerged from the spectating clan, sounding impressed by the confidence Reedshine showed. Darkstar waited until the murmurs died and the clearing was silent again, "There haven't been as many kits and we are short on warriors. Mapleshade, I believe every cat can change and I'm willing to let you and your kits join Riverclan, but know, my warriors will be keeping a close eye on you." she flicked her tail and gave a slight bow of the head to Mapleshade. "T-Thank you!" Mapleshade gasped, joy filling her voice, "I-I will never forget of your mercy Darkstar. I pledge my loyalty to Riverclan" she said, doing a half bow. 'Thank you Starclan, you are watching over me.' Reedshine gave Mapleshade a smile as the murmurs from the crowd arose again. "W-what about me?" Asked Appledusk who had been watching in shock, "I'm still loyal! I can stay right?" his voice was cracking. "No you may not. You have betrayed Riverclan, and me. You will leave at once and never set foot on our territory again. If you hadn't once been a Riverclan warrior my warriors would tear you up right now." Darkstar hissed, her pelt bristling. "But nightfall is here! Where would I go?" he looked around desperately, "Reedshine?" he looked at her expectantly. She turned her head away from him and answered, "You lied to me and the clan Appledusk. I don't want to see you again." Mapleshade's wet pelt was bristling. "You are a traitor and a liar Appledusk. Just leave." Reedshine rested her tail on Mapleshade's back to calm her down. "But Riverclan is all I have!" he pleaded. "Then you should not have lied." Reedshine said. "You told me you loved me but you only care for yourself." Mapleshade completed. "Appledusk leave before we make you leave." This time Darkstar spoke. "You will all regret this!" he hissed, turning and running out of the camp. Everyone stood silent for what seemed like forever. "Reedshine. Show Mapleshade a place in the Queen's den. Eeltail, come with me. Everyone else return to what you were doing" Darkstar ordered, turning and going back into her den. "Come on then Mapleshade" Reedshine's voice was soft as she led Mapleshade through the busy clearing to the Queen's den. Mapleshade hesitated before entering the den, looking at where her kits had been taken. "Don't worry, they're in good hands" Reedshine said from inside the den. Mapleshade sighed and stepped inside, she was amazed by how pretty the inside of the Nursery was. On the roof of the den there were woven rocks and shells which danced on the light, making wonderful reflections. The walls of the nursery seemed sturdier than the other walls though, probably to protect the kits. 'This place is safer than Thunderclan's nursery' Mapleshade thought, laying down on a reed bed which wasn't as comfortable as Thunderclan's old moss beds. "The reeds are there in case the river floods, the beds would float so that we don't drown." She explained to Mapleshade who nodded slowly, impressed. She realized Reedshine had also laid down on a bed, "Aren't you a warrior?" She asked Reedshine. "Oh. No, I'm expecting.. Appledusk's kits." She sounded really disappointed when she said "Appledusk." Mapleshade flicked her tail, 'That fox-hearted snake-tongued traitor got what he deserved' she thought. "Don't worry Reedshine, unlike my kits, yours will be accepted. Riverclan is lucky to have you." Mapleshade said calmly. 'My kits. What if no one accepts them?' Reedshine giggled "Oh Mapleshade. Do not worry. Thunderclan was stupid to have exiled you. I'm sure you'll fit right in." A bright orange young tom stepped in through the reeds. His radiant energy filled the room, "Mapleshade! Blackwing told me to fetch you. They said your kits needed you there. Don't worry they're fine just scared" he added quickly, most likely noticing Mapleshade's fur prickling with worry. "Oh okay." She said, nodding goodbye to Reedshine. She got up and followed the young tom. They walked through the clearing which was emptier than before but there were still quite a few cats there, some were eating or sharing tongues, while others were chatting worriedly. Mapleshade's stomach turned 'They must still not trust me. How will I ever win their trust?' "Blackwing! I brought Mapleshade." the orange tom said. "Mapleshade!" the three kits squeaked, rushing over to Mapleshade's side. Mapleshade wrapped her tail around them and crouched down to lick each kit "My kits!" she exclaimed. "They should be fine Mapleshade just feed them something from the fresh kill pile and keep them warm. I did my best to dry them" A black cat, Blackwing, appeared from deeper inside the den. "Thank you Sparkpaw you can go now" they nodded to the young apprentice. He smiled and rushed outside, "I can't thank you enough Blackwing." Mapleshade said straightening back up. "It's my duty" they answered. "Come now kits. We're going to the nursery." she led the kits back towards the nursery. "Where are we?" Patchkit asked, staying closest to Mapleshade. "We're in Riverclan. Thunderclan doesn't want us there anymore so Darkstar let us stay here." she told them as they entered the nursery. "This is Reedshine." she told her kits. Reedshine looked up and saw the kits. "Hi kits!" she purred. "This is Patchkit, Petalkit, and Larchkit." Mapleshade told her, settling down in the reed bed. "Your pelt is so pretty!" Petalkit said, being the first to approach Reedshine. "Reedshine is a funny name" Larchkit mentioned. Mapleshade watched her kits play with Reedshine, only Patchkit said nothing, curling up next to Mapleshade. 'I kept my promise. You're safe' she thought. Why was she worried? Riverclan was great and she and her kits were safe and that's all that mattered. Appledusk may be a liar but at least one good thing came out of his lies. Well. not a thing, a someone and not just one someone, three someones.

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