Chapter 11

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Reedshine heard the fighting die down outside the nursery. 'need to go check on Mapleshade' She thought, standing up. Blackwing turned to Reedshine. "Sit down right now" They said "You just gave birth. You are not going anywhere."

"But, I wan-"

"No, you have newborn kits. Stay with them."

"But, I need t-"


"What if I-"


"Can I-"


"But, plea-"

Blackwing sighed, annoyed, "Fine, I'll let you go. But, you have to confess to Mapleshade." Reedshine turned bright red. "W-WHAT-" she stammered, "I don't like Mapleshade!" she said, trying to sound convincing. "Right and every mother leaves their newborn kits behind for a friend" Reedshine looked at her kits guiltily. "Hey I can hear you two you know." Mapleshade called back from the entrance, "and I'm OFFENDED" she huffed, exaggerating the sentence. Blackwing chuckled, "Go on Reedshine before we change your name to Redshine" Blackwing went over to Reedshine's and Mapleshade's kits to protect the kits. "Fine" Reedshine mumbled, going over to Mapleshade. "Here I thought you liked me" Mapleshade said, in an obvious attempt to sound disappointed. Reedshine laughed and nuzzled Mapleshade, "I do like you. Very much." "Enough to be my mate?" Mapleshade asked, sounding hopeful. Reedshine turned red-er and turned away from Mapleshade. "Is that a no..?" Mapleshade's voice was filled with sorrow. "Maybe it is" Reedshine responded "depends on if you're joking or not." Mapleshade's face lit up again, 'Does she want me to say yes?' "Well it wasn't a joke sooo still waiting on an answer." Reedshine could feel the spectators leaning forwards, their eyes burning through her pelt, she refused to look at them though and kept her eyes sternly on Mapleshade but that felt worse in a good way somehow. "W-well yes, I do like you enough so..." Reedshine trailed off. Mapleshade smiled warmly as a "YAAAAY" cheered in the background from Petalkit and Sparkpaw. "Told ya we were gonna have two moms!" Petalkit stuck out her tongue at Larchkit just as the grown cats burst out laughing. From the corner of Reedshine's eye she spotted Appledusk's pale brown pelt and she turned her attention to him. "Er- c-can't we talk about this?" Appledusk stammered, his pelt filthy with both his own blood and Mapleshade's. The Riverclan warriors had their backs raised and they were all slowly surrounding him. "Wait!" a voice called. Reedshine squinted her eyes and realized it was Oakstar with a small patrol of warriors behind him. Immediately four Riverclan cats jumped in front of him to block him from entering. "Let him speak," said Darkstar. "Thank you" he dipped his head to the other leader and stepped forward, his warriors glaring at the Riverclan cats. Appledusk looked relieved and he rushed to the leader's side but he was stopped by Beetail. "You are not welcome in Thunderclan anymore Appledusk" hissed Oakstar from behind Beetail. "W-what" "You lied to us all. You've caused an unnecessary war and lots of unnecessary deaths. All to get back at Mapleshade." Oakstar had never sounded so furious before. Reedshine could feel his anger from the nursery which by now, the cats inside had fallen silent and were all curiously watching. Beetail looked at Oakstar, who nodded. "Cats of Thunderclan and Riverclan, Appledusk has not only lied to the clans but has also started a war that was completely unnecessary. Do I have anyone objecting to his death" Beetail said "If anyone does, please step forward." None of the watching cats stepped forward. "In that case" Oakstar mewed "Frecklewish, can you please list all of the crimes that Appledusk has committed before his death." Appledusk's eyes widened and his tail flicked side to side nervously as Frecklewish stepped up so that everyone could see her. "His first crime was breaking the warrior code by having a relationship outside his clan, then betraying that relationship for another one and expecting to be redeemed." Frecklewish saw Reedshine and Mapleshade watching from the nursery and gave them a small smile before continuing, "Then he lied to all of Thunderclan and caused a war between all four clans, causing many unneeded deaths." All the cat's growling and hissing had intensified, all eyes were on Appledusk. "Oh and he associated with rogues." Frecklewish finished, before backing into the pool of warriors again. "So our decision, to kill Appledusk, it's decided?" Oakstar asked Darkstar as she nodded. "And may Starclan not allow him into their territory" she added. Beetail then stepped up to kill Appliedusk but before he could do it Reedshine and Mapleshade turned and herded the kits inside the nursery. "But I wanted to watch him dieeee" Petalkit complained, trying to see past Reedshine and Mapleshade. "Why would you want to watch a cat die?" Sparkpaw and Larchkit asked, slightly horrified. Petalkit, smiling, responded with "He made my moms sad, thats why." Petalkit smiled innocently, "Aw" Sparkpaw crouched down. 'Mhmmm right' Reedshine turned back to watch the execution, something about seeing Appledusk die still felt wrong but he wasn't a good cat. He deserved to die. Appledusk dodged and weaved through the cats, so many claws were slashing at him at the same time. He started to run out of camp, being able to go through a small opening. "He'll die of his wounds. There's no point in chasing him" Blackwing analyzed from behind Reedshine. She flinched, the black cat seemed to have appeared so suddenly. "I suppose he won't get far, even if he did survive" Reedshine replied "Darkstar and Oakstar are sending a patrol after him." she nodded to the cats who were leaving camp. "Oakstar, thank you for coming to your senses and helping us kill Appledusk, even if we didn't succeed." Darkstar said calmly, as if the last few moons of fighting and tension had just been erased. "Of course. And sorry for believing Appledusk's lies, I was... clouded by my son's death and Mapleshade's lies. I shouldn't have exiled her." Darkstar hesitated, "Well she's over there if you'd like to discuss anything with her." 'She doesn't want Mapleshade to go because we'd be losing potential warriors.' Reedshine realized. Oakstar cleared his throat, "Alright erm, Beetail take everyone back to camp." he nodded to the warrior who began to herd them away. Oakstar headed towards the nursery and Reedshine went back to her newborn kits and Sparkpaw and Blackwing checked up on them. Mapleshade's kits went to her side as they heard the arrival of a new cat. "Isn't that the one who exiled you?" Larchkit whispered rather loudly to Mapleshade. "Yes.. and.. It was a mistake" Oakstar answered, "I'm- I apologize for your exile." Mapleshade forced a smile, "Yes erm, it's alright but I don't plan on going back if that's what you came here for." Mapleshade looked at her kits, then Reedshine, "I've got a family here." Reedshine gave a small purr. "Yes. I understand. Erm. Alright have a nice life." Oakstar quickly bowed his head and speed walked after his clan. "Well I think it's time me and Sparkpaw go, we have lots of wounds to attend to" Blackwing nudged the apprentice to his paws "Aww ok" he said, "Bye Petalkit!" "Byeee" she called after the medicine cat and the apprentice as they left. Mapleshade smiled and nuzzled Reedshine, settling next to her. Both said nothing but as Mapleshade's kits interacted with Reedshine's, trying to get them to play, Reedshine knew the moment was perfect and nothing could take it away from her. After moons of stress and the threat of death hanging over all of their heads, she was finally at peace, happy, with Mapleshade. Yet still, something couldn't shake the feeling that Patchkit's stare at the two of them just wasn't right.

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