Chapter 5

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Just beyond the river in a cluster of trees, Appledusk was waiting. "Took you long enough" Appledusk stated as a cat walked out of the shadows. "You could have given me a notice beforehand," the cat said "Anyways, did you call me here." "River clan kicked me out" Appledusk replied," I need a place to stay." "You don't want revenge?" the cat replied. "Shadow, why would I want revenge," Appledusk said sitting down "I was in the wrong, I'm lucky they didn't kill me." "You weren't wrong," Shadow said, walking around Appledusk" You were in love." "How is that wrong" she mewed. 'She's right' Appledusk thought. Reedshine betrayed him, Mapleshade betrayed him, Riverclan betrayed him. He wanted reven- No, HE NEEDS REVENGE. "So," Shadow said "Would you like to meet my friends? We can help you get revenge," she said as about twenty cats came out of the shadows. "Yes," Appledusk said without hesitation. Shadow smirked, "Good. Do you have a plan?" Shadow asked, her 'friends' sitting around them in the rough shape of a circle. "I shouldn't trust her completely yet," Appledusk thought cautiously 'I'll tell her the beginning of my plan' "Well?" Shadow asked impatiently. 'We'll go to Thunderclan first' Appledusk replied "I'll tell you the rest later." Shadow rolled her eyes. "Fine. Lead the way Apple. " she turned and nodded to the cats, some went back to where they came from while 3 stayed behind. "It's Appledusk" he murmured. The five cats turned and started walking towards thunderclan's territory, the ground under their paws switching from the open territory of Riverclan's and Windclan's border to the lush green forest of Thunderclan. Shadow mumbled something angrily about how many brambles there were in the forest, "How much longer?" she hissed irritatedly. "It's been like, 10 foxleaps Shadow" Appledusk replied, rolling his eyes, "Calm down." "What even is your plan to get them to help us?" Shadow asked annoyed. "Lying" he replied looking back at her with a malicious smirk. Suddenly he skidded to a halt hearing something. "Why did you stop?" Shadow asked grumpily. "Don't you hear that?" he asked quietly. He could hear the sounds of footsteps closing in around them. "All I hear are the stupid birds" Shadow shot back, just as a Thunderclan patrol turned the corner. There was a moment of silent shock between the cats, both groups tense. Then the Thunderclan patrol leader spoke up, his pelt bristling "What are you rogues doing here?" he hissed "Appledusk? Why are you with these rogues? Come to finish off Birchface's family?" all the Thunderclan cat's pelts' were bristling now. "Calm down Seedpelt" Appledusk replied, "I'm here to warn you." Seedpelt let out a laugh. "Right. Warn us from Riverclan? Please. We can deal with them, besides, since when have you betrayed Riverclan?" "Since I was replaced with Mapleshade" he hissed angrily "Now can you take me to Oakstar." Seedpelt's fur was resting now but he was still tense, he eyed the rogues. "Even if we wanted to, why would we take you and these rogues?" Shadow hissed at them but Appledusk flicked his tail for the rogues to not attack, "If you want to be attacked by Riverclan after the next full moon, go ahead. We'll leave." Seedpelt looked at his warriors then sighed "Fine. but they can't go inside" he said, flicking his tail towards the rogues. "Shadows coming," Appledusk told him sternly "She knows stuff about the attack." "Ok fine." Seedpelt growled. He turned to the others, "Nettlepaw go ahead and warn Oakstar." Nettlepaw nodded and rushed off into the forest. Without a word, the Thunderclan warriors took off. "You three go back and prepare for war." Shadow barked to her rogues who nodded and went back the way they came. Appledusk went after the Thunderclan cats and Shadow followed him. "Why is Riverclan going to attack anyway?" Seedpelt asked cautiously "They just lost a battle." Seedpelt still sounded annoyed that Appledusk was there. "Mapleshade" Appledusk hissed, "I don't know how she did it but she lied her way into the clan and got me exiled, now she's convinced them to attack Thunderclan." Deerdapple hissed, "That traitor! She's already caused enough problems now she wants to attack?" Seedpelt tried to calm Deerdapple down. 'It's working. Mapleshade's lie was so big they didn't even think twice before blaming her. But most importantly, believing me.' he glanced at Shadow who looked at him and gave him an approving smirk. They stepped into the clearing which was mostly empty. The fresh-kill pile was surrounded by eating cats who were talking and sharing tongues. They paused to look at them and Oakstar was already waiting for them. "Seedpelt you can go." he told him. Seedpelt bowed his head and led his warriors towards the fresh-kill pile. "Come inside Appledusk and...?" "Shadow," she said grumpily. Appledusk shot her a look and they went inside the den, the flooring was sandy and there was a single moss bed inside. "Is it true what you say? Riverclan is attacking?" Oakstar urged. "Yes" Appledusk told him with fake sadness "Mapleshade has convinced Riverclan to take her in and attack Thunderclan. She even convinced them to exile me to get me out of the way." He looked at his paws and sighed "sadly". Oakstar hissed, "You killed Birchface and Flowerpaw! Why should I trust you." Appledusk stood and stepped towards Oakstar, his gaze was challenging. "Because you hate Mapleshade more." they stood glaring at each other. "Well then Oakstar. What's it gonna be? Lose more cats or help us take down Mapleshade and Riverclan?" Shadow asked from behind Appledusk.

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