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'Never violate a she-cat, nor harm a kit. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser warriors. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil. Never back away from an enemy. Either fight or surrender. It is not enough to say I will not be evil. Evil must be fought wherever it is found.' Appledusk thought bitterly 'These morals, their code... It's all a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. You'll see when I show you... When I rule the clans, these civilized cats... they'll rip each other's throats out.' Appledusk smiled "See, I'm not evil. Just ahead of the curve." he paused before continuing, "They think they haven't done anything to me. But that's a matter of opinion... And in my opinion, they failed me." Appledusk sighed smiling to himself "They could have changed one wrong decision and none of this would have happened." 'And I'll be back soon and the clans will crumble under my rule.' his mind completed. He shook his head, digging his claws into the ground more angrily, "Idiots, I will improve them...they are but a canvas for me to work upon. Even now, the capacity for latent mutations in them have been brought to the fore. The star they wear ensures a more, agreeable and aggressive sona! Fit to serve me. They wanted revenge, why I Do not know, but they shall have it, but only for a short while." he took a deep breath to calm himself down. "Are you finally done?" A voice asked from behind him. He turned and rolled his eyes, "Well, no Shadow, I wasn't but you've ruined the mood so please, continue." he didn't try to hide the annoyance in his voice. "Well, yea that's good and all but what's your plan?"

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