Sunday 23rd December [Adrien]

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Stepping out on the private floor of the hospital, Adrien made his way over to his mother's suite. She was still in a coma, and it was still unknown if or how she would ever come out of it.

The joyfulness from yesterday's parade soon left him as he arrived home alone the previous evening to think about seeing his mother. He wished Marinette could be there with him. She created a sense of calm and ease which surrounded his otherwise manic persona, that was if she wasn't teasing him like yesterday.

She hadn't given his number to Clara Nightingale at all. She'd passed on Luka's, it seemed the two had worked together in the past and she was very interested in getting to know him more. Adrien was quite sure Marinette had given her a five-star review about the kindness of the boy with the blue hair. Adrien would be jealous if it wasn't for the girl who he loved with every inch of his soul indicating that she loved him too.

More drama had unfolded when he got back that evening. It seemed Chloé and Felix had a surprise of their own. Chloé was twelve weeks pregnant and they were planning to move to England to be nearer to his mother. As shocking as it was for Adrien, and he was most certainly happy for them, he couldn't remove the thought that he was going to be back to living alone.

Yes, Nino was there with him at the moment but he wouldn't stay there forever, Adrien wouldn't let him. Nino had a new addition to his family, plus the need and want for his own space. It was time his friend grew up.

He was no closer to his mother coming home and he was yet to know how Marinette was going to respond to everything that had happened. If she accepted the proposal, maybe, just maybe, the cold confines of the mansion would once again be bought to life.

"Monsieur Agreste?" Adrien was pulled from his thoughts by the sweet voice of a nurse situated at the reception desk.

Adrien walked over to her and nodded in welcome.

"This has been left here for you." The nurse handed over a present wrapped in the most delicate and intricate paper he'd ever seen. It was power blue with white ribbon and a white bow. There was a card seated on top.

"Do you know who left it here?" Adrien asked out of curiosity.

"It was a young woman early this morning. Unfortunately, she was incredibly wrapped up so I could only see her eyes?"

"Piercing blue?" He asked.

"Yes. She seemed a very pretty young lady." Adrien smiled knowing exactly who it was.

"Well thank you for passing it on. Merry Christmas."

He turned away and began to walk towards his mother's room. The halls around him were silent. Now and then the silence would be broken and he would hear a bleeping as a doctor exited a room. Entering room '209', he walked over to his mother, leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead before settling in the chair next to where her frozen body lay.

Looking between his mother and the present that was laid in his hands he wondered why Marinette could have possibly left something for him here of all places. Curiosity soon passed as Plagg appeared next to Adrien.

"You going to open it or just stare at it all day?"

"I'm just trying to figure out why she'd send something here," Adrien announced.

"If you open it, you'll know!" Plagg stated.

Adrien nodded and removed the white ribbon from around the parcel. Undoing the paper, suddenly the item was revealed along with a note.

Dearest Chaton,
This came back with me from the temple, it's for you, it'll help introduce you to new powers up, and it will be able to help you understand my new role as Guardian. I, also, believe it could help your mother.

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