Tuesday 18th/ Wednesday 19th December [Adrien]

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He reread through the document on the table as Marinette made her way to the ladies room. Kagami had signed the contract releasing them from the deal. He was free to be with Marinette without stress. Everything was starting to take a turn for the best. Perhaps the little black cat was finally gathering he's years worth of luck quota.

Marinette was right. He'd been a coward, it's about time he responded responsibly to the actions which he'd taken in the past even if it included disappointing the one he loved. He sighed thinking about what he needed to tell Marinette later. She was going to have issues with the truth. It was obvious she was, he had issues with his actions.

He looked over towards the restroom, catching the eye of the beautiful bluenette walking back. She was stunning. Her dress was his blue, and the design was perfect for her toned slender body. Her Ladybug body. He stood as she got closer, waiting for her to sit down before joining her.

"Shall we prepare to leave?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah sure." Adrien replied, reaching into his jacket to find his wallet. Marinette smiled at him, and he was lost in the blue Iris' he constantly dreamt about.

"Is it ok to still come back to your house?"

"Of course, like I said there is a lot to talk about. I just ... please give me the benefit of the doubt."

He saw Marinette raise an eyebrow enquiring for more information. But now was not the time for it.

"Come on then Agreste. Let's get this over with." Marinette stood up and offered her hand out to Adrien. His big hand swarmed hers as he grabbed ahold and stood up.

They walked towards the exit, grabbing their coats from the cloakroom, and Adrien helping Marinette into hers before he took ahold of his own. He loved to treat her like this, he loved them to be ... well ... them. A couple. Together. Partners.

As they waited for the valet to bring their car around, Marinette stood with her hand placed delicately in Adrien's, giving it a gentle squeeze and making sure he knew that she was there. Regardless of what was about to happen they would get through it. At least, he hoped they would.

Adrien opened Marinette's door before making his way back to his own side. Climbing into the drivers seat, he began to drive in silence to his mansion. He could tell Marinette was tense, and he felt it too. This was it. This is what he'd been dreading since she'd returned. Finally having to tell the truth. Before long the silence became excruciating.

"Stop the car, Adrien!"

"Marinette, can we just ..."

"Stop ... the ... car!"

Adrien sighed and pulled up next to a park near the Louvre museum. He turned off the engine and sat there in dark silence. Neither spoke and he was too afraid to face her.

"Are you going to explain why we've gone from having a lovely evening to complete silence, because I'm confused Adrien. I'm really confused!" Marinette was strong in her words. She was determined and he couldn't help bowing his head at the story he needed to tell. "Now tell me what is bugging you."

"Apart from you?" He let out a little laugh, trying to lighten the mood with his crappy humour.

"Adrien! Just stop! Tell me ..." she softened her voice and reached over to grab one of his hands as his knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. He was gripping on for life.

"It's my fault." He whispered. "Everything is my fault."

"What are you on about?"

"Everything! The whole Alya and Nino situation, my father, Kagami ... I'm a mess Marinette. I can't do this, I want you ... I want you so badly, but it's not fair. You deserve someone who doesn't make mistakes, or someone who isn't a coward."

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