Sunday 9th December [Adrien]

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So operation kiss-mas was a no-go. After rendezvousing with Marinette there was no chance Alya and Nino would never jump back into a relationship the way things were at the moment, and it would be in no way helpful or healthy.

From what Adrien gathered talking to Nino, all his best friend wanted to do was drink his troubles away and hope he would wake up and it was all a dream. Alya had really pulled one on his best friend, even Marinette was finding it hard to support Alya.

Adrien had tried long and hard to reason with him that Alya just made a mistake ... that was until he threw in the question of what Adrien would do if that was Marinette. Suddenly Adrien wasn't too much on Alya's side anymore. Of course he would help both his friends, but Nino had been hit hard. He'd had his heart ripped out and placed on a Luka sized tray.

Marinette had worked into the long hours of Saturday night to persuade Adrien that their best friends needed to talk. Alya deserved to know whether Nino was the father or not, but the way they both felt ... she didn't deserve much more.

Neither slept well that night, from the constant thoughts of their old friends broken relationship to the meet they were having the next day as an alter-ego.

Adrien was excited as he woke up on Sunday morning. He wasn't due to see Ladybug until later that evening. He'd got the message - normal time; ten in the evening, normal place; the rooftop opposite the Eiffel Tower. He needed to make sure he knew what he was going to do. He'd decided he was going to tell her that he thinks he knows her identity, that perhaps it's time for the reveal and they can live happily ever after.

He mentally slapped himself. She's going to kill him. She will grab him there and then, and swing him off the rooftop and into Belguim. He sighed. He needed a plan. So that's what he did. For the whole day he plotted with Plagg.

His scheming little kwami was invested in this as much as he was. The rest of their lives pretty much depended on how Adrien handled this. He knew she hated liars, so he had to come clean about everything ... well almost everything.

Before transforming to go meet his lady he made sure he was dressed well, and pruned. If tonight did end in a reveal there was no way he wasn't looking his best when he declared his undying love to the bluenette who wouldn't escape his thoughts.

As ten was about to strike he called his transformation and left his room. The night was cold, and extremely dark. He thanked the Miraculous that their suits were thermal and kept their temperatures steady. Running around in something similar to spandex wasn't exactly desirable in the winter weather.

Every inch he grew closer to the rooftop his bravado began to falter. Yes he'd seen Marinette but it had been so long since he saw Ladybug he wasn't sure how would be best to react. Should he engulf her into a hug or would that be too much too soon. He knew she'd missed him, the question was how much?

He was one roof over as he slowed his speed, marvelling at the view in front of him. There, with the Eiffel Tower glittering behind her, was his soul mate. His Lady. His love. He couldn't draw his eyes away as he looked over her fine specimen of a body pacing backwards and forwards along the rooftop.

This was it. Chat took a deep breath before extending his staff and making his way over to Ladybug.

"Well, well if it isn't M'lady returning from her training to be the Guardian of all Guardians." He watched as she turned around to face him, and his breath stopped in his throat. She was beautiful, and with the twinkling of lights situated on the tower behind her he honestly thought he'd never see a more beautiful sight in his life.

Her nervous face changed in front of him to a wide grin and he couldn't help but copy the motion. The next seconds would be some of the greatest of his life. He knew it would go down in history as the moment his heart literally exploded.

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