Epilogue - 1 year later [Adrien]

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As Adrien opened his eyes he realised it was another Christmas Day. He placed one hand over his face and rubbed his eyes, his head was battling against him being awake due the alcohol consumed the night before. Another Christmas Eve, another drinking session. Had things ever changed?

He thought back to a year ago. The night he declared his love for Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the day after his mother had awoken from her coma and the days following when once again he was abandoned. Left to himself. Solitude was never his favourite company.

Stretching over he grabbed his phone; over one hundred messages. People wanted to know how he was, wanted to know what he was doing for his first Christmas in his new life.

He'd moved out the Mansion. Finally, he'd left. It needed to happen, it was playing so much on his moods. When Chloé and Felix had left he'd decided it was time. Time to end the grieving process of his father, and his childhood. It took a lot of persuasions, but he did it! He finally cut strings with his past ready to set sail into the future in a new homely mansion. Smaller than Gabriel's and a lot more home-like. He loved it there. It had become magical!

He looked down to the foot of his bed seeing a stocking waiting there to be opened. A tradition he hadn't had for so long. Every Christmas, up until her disappearance, his mother laid a stocking full of small treats at the end of his bed, and lucky for him the tradition (for the second year) was happening again. Even at twenty-one, he still became excited at the sight.

His mother had awoken a year ago, thanks to the Miraculous book he'd received as a Christmas present from Ladybug. This, along with the amulet around her neck, she had managed to escaped from the spell the Peacock Miraculous had placed her under. She had been using it for good and Adrien couldn't be more relieved. They'd spoken a lot, spoken about the true use herself and his father used the magic for. They wanted to help those less in need, his mother seemed to be nothing like his father, but more like someone else who stood extremely close to his heart.

She'd stayed in the hospital for a couple of months. They wanted to check on her, completely confused and astonished by the recovery they never thought she would make. When they found nothing they could use for their medicine diaries, she was finally free to continue her life. She stayed with Adrien for a while in his new home. He had so much to explain to her, and whilst the news about Gabriel shocked her she was determined to live her second chance at life to the full, completely well and away from Paris.

Emilie left for England to live with her sister. Luckily for Adrien, it was only a short flight away and he could visit a majority of weekends if he pleased. Emilie made sure she was over for Christmas too, after her last one in the hospital she was determined to make it up to Adrien. For so long they had been separated, and she wanted her time with her son.

A sound of excited squealing interrupted his thoughts. Nayla. It was interesting having a one-year-old in the house, but they had nowhere to go so, of course, the Agreste mansion was always available to them.

"Alya! Keep it down! You're going to wake everyone up!" Nino's voice echoed around the halls and Adrien chuckled. Everything may not be rosy with their two friends, however, they were trying. Trying so hard, that finally, they could live in the same vicinity. It's just a shame with their lack of jobs they couldn't afford anywhere more suitable. Hence why they were in his home.

A water explosion last week caused chaos, it was then demanded they stay here. It's luckily they all got on so well, Adrien was so sure they were joined together through fate. Such a close bond, such a close family.

"It's that damn toy you brought her! She's going mental with it."

Suddenly a door opened and he could hear his mother's voice.

"Don't worry about it. She's beautiful and has the right to be excited, I'll go and grab her some milk for you."

"See!" Alya demanded in a hiss. "Now Nino, be a good baby daddy and get me some paracetamol my head is killing. I'm not used to so much fancy champagne."

Doors were heard closing along with laughing coming for the rooms. Adrien smiled. This was a lot different from any of his past Christmas'.

He felt something move next to him followed by a warmth cover over his heart. He looked down to see a delicate hand placed upon his bare chest. The sparkling of a diamond was now joined by a plain platinum band, one very similar to what he wore upon his left one.

He watched as his companion snuggled her head onto his chest. Her hair was a complete mess, not surprising considering the hairspray stuck in it still from the previous day's events. For you see, Christmas Eve one year after his proposal he married the love of his life in the most perfect wedding ceremony he could have wished for.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him, smiling the smile which always made him go weak at the knees. The bright blues looked slightly hazed and she seemed as dazed as he did.

"Good morning, Mrs Agreste."

"Good morning, husband. I need painkillers." Snuggling his nose into her hair he let out a laugh.

"Drink too much yesterday, Bugaboo?"

"I think I drank the whole hotel." She kissed his bare chest. "But it was worth it."

Adrien and Marinette had shown they were not only a phenomenal superhero team but that they worked just as well together outside the super suits. They now owned and ran one of the top fashion houses in the world and enjoyed every moment spent together.

"What time is it, Kitty?"

"Nine-thirty. So we have a couple of hours before your parents arrive. How about we consummate this marriage one more time, M'Lady?"

Marinette smiled and kissed her new husband firmly on the mouth. They'd moved in together one month before the wedding. Although they were dead set to get married, they wanted to take it slowly at first, going on dates and getting to know their "real selves". It took about three months to fall even more deeply in love with each other. They were then ready for the next step in their relationship. From there, there was no turning back. They loved each other and they will continue to love each other for the rest of their days.

"Before you two carry on-" a small little red entity flew above them, "Merry Christmas newlyweds." Tikki began to cough, bringing up a new necklace for Marinette. It was similar to the half she had once from Tikki for her birthday, only this one was very much half is a pair.

"Plagg! Get over here." Suddenly the red kwami was joined by her counterpart, master of destruction, Plagg who mirrored the same action as Tikki.

"Happy first day as a family, Agreste's," Plagg announced. Adrien and Marinette looked up confused. Is Plagg being nice?

"What? I can be nice. By the way, Marinette, are your parents bringing me a cheese board?"

"And there it is." Commented Adrien. He grabbed the Ladybug stuffed toy off his side table and threw it was his disrespectful kwami.

"Hey Mr! Don't throw me across the room, that's grounds for divorce you know." He laughed and smiled at the most wonderful woman in his arms.

Rolling her onto her back, he pressed his body into hers stroking her hair and placing soft kisses on her lips, before beginning to trail elsewhere.

"On other thoughts, I think I'll keep you." She said through a smile, she'd never get tired of his kisses.

"Good choice."

He pulled the covers over their heads hiding them away from the outside world. Just him and his Princess, together forever ... and together at last.

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