Sunday 16th December [Marinette]

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Clue two: My favourite colour is an item of clothing someone made for me, it also matches their gorgeous eye colour xxx

Hours ... they had been waiting hours, and in Alya's case. Painful hours.

"If someone told me if was going to hurt this much I would of had my tubes tied." Marinette giggled as Alya went on another lap of the room.

"They do say it's like breaking every bone in your body." Alya stopped and bent over the bed. Huffing and puffing as she passed through another contraction.

"Well they've been breaking for almost twenty hours now, I wish the damn child would get out."

Marinette had been sitting with Alya since they'd made it to the hospital. Adrien had stayed for a while before going home to sleep, and to just get away from a screaming, angry woman. It seemed Alya wasn't overly impressed with the male species at the moment.

Hey Mari, I'm going to try and get Nino to come back with me. Let me know if Alya needs anything and I can stop off on my way to the hospital if you would like xx

Adrien had been in constant contact with Marinette, and even though she hadn't mentioned anything to him, she could not get the kiss from yesterday out of her head. She knew it was too much of a coincidence, but she wanted to be sure first. If Adrien and Chat were actually the same person then it would change both their lives. Hopefully for good. They'd been turning each other down, for each other over an insane amount of years. Thinking about it now it was actually quite comical!

She keeps asking for donuts. If you don't mind grabbing some on the way over that would be amazing thank you. Is Nino coming with you? Xx

She placed her phone down and walked over to her best friend. Even though Marinette had only been back a couple of weeks, Alya had requested her to be her birthing partner. Marinette of course agreed, this was a magical moment and she was going to get to be alongside Alya as she bought a precious life into this world. Marinette was pulled out of her thoughts by a long loud groan coming from Alya. She placed her hands on her best friends back and began to rub.

"Breath, Alya! Take your time and slowly let it out. In through your nose and out through your mouth."

"If it's that easy you do it!" Alya screamed back at her.

Marinette's phone signalled a new message and to be honest she just wanted to dive over the bed and grab it off the table. After all, it was only going to be Adrien or Chat, and she couldn't get enough of speaking to him.

"I'll just grab my phone." She signalled to Alya as she walked over to the side table.

"Marinette, can you message Luka please? I'm guessing Adrien's spoken to Nino."

"L-l-Luka? Why?"

"Well this could be his baby," suddenly another contraction hit her and she stopped mid conversation. As soon as it settled down she continued with her sentence. "So he has a right to know. Plus we can get the paternity test done and dusted as soon as the babies out."

Marinette nodded even though she knew if Nino and Luka both appeared, World War III would be taking place inside the hospital compounds. Even though she was a super heroine, she wasn't sure she could handle two grown men fighting. Though, with Adrien there as well perhaps he could help keep them separated, or at least hold back Nino. Whilst she dealt with Luka.

Hi Luka, it's Mari. Just wanted to let you know Alya is in labour. Currently she is six centimetres dilated so should hopefully be at some point today. She wanted you to know.

Marinette didn't add kisses or any type of endearing terminology, she didn't want Luka getting any ideas. Once that message had sent she pulled up the one she had most recently received, Adrien.

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