Friday 14th December [Marinette]

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Marinette woke up with a vice attached around her head. Well that's how it felt anyway. How much had she drank last night? She remembered trying to keep up with Alix, forgetting that she hadn't drunk since the previous Christmas.


Marinette rolled over and her body hit something solid. It made no sense, her bed wasn't close to a wall, and the only thing she slept with was her giant cat pillow ... pillow ... not sandbag.

Wincing she opened her eyes only to be met by the bare chest of a male. Once the shock of seeing such an incredibly toned torso situated next to her had worn off she slowly moved her eye line up. In the single second it took to lift her head she began to panic. What if she had done an Alya? If she was pregnant how would she tell Chat? He was the one she wanted children with, not some random guy she'd slept with whilst being drunk.

Her eyes finally reached her companions face and she let out a sigh of relief. Adrien was sleeping calmly next to her. He wouldn't be her first choice of father but she wouldn't mind. Aggressively, having words with herself she moved her eye-line down.

As far as she could see his bottom half was clothed in pyjamas, her bottom half was a whole other explanation. She was wearing nothing. Her legs were bare. She pushed her hands down to her bare legs to find that luckily her underwear was still firmly in its place. Next she went to her top. She was wearing a t-shirt. A black t-shirt with five stripes. Adrien's old lycée tee.

She groaned again and placed her hands to her head. It hurt. It really hurt, and her memories were not good. She remembered meeting up with Alix, Kim, Max and Max's girlfriend, though her name had disappeared along with half of the night. She remembered talking to the girls about Alya, but that was where it started to go a little bit blurry. She remembered Kim, was it, asking if she wanted another drink. Or was it Adrien, grrrr it could have been Max. Whoever brought her that last drink though is the one that tipped her over the edge.

"Can you die a little quieter please?" Adrien positioned a hand over his head causing his biceps to flex. She swore a bit of drool escaped.

"I can't hear you over the jack hammer going off in my head." Adrien let out a soft chuckle as he rolled towards his bedside table. He sat up with wild bed head and she couldn't help but laugh. He looked a state.

"Leave me alone, you big bully." He said grabbing hold of his intended victims. Advil and water. "Here, take two of these."

Marinette squirmed to sit herself up. She noticed Adrien had upgraded his bed to a queen sized and even though it was big she'd managed to pin him to one edge.

"Looks like I'm a bed hog." Marinette said as she swallowed down two tablets. He giggled and lay back down in the bed.

"Actually, you passed out in the limo so I had to carry you in. This is as far as I could get you without collapsing, it seems trying to keep up with Kim wasn't my smartest idea."

"So we didn't ... you know?"

"Christ no Mari! What do you take me for? You were completely out of it. You started calling me 'Rick' at one point. Do you even know a Rick?"

Marinette's face flustered a very extreme red. Rick was at the Guardian temple. Rick was one hundred and fifty six years old with arthritis and a limp.

"Errrrrmmmm ... no?"

"Liar, but I haven't got the energy to argue." She lay her head on his shoulder and breathed in the scent of Adrien Agreste, before coughing and moving away from him.

"You stink of beer."

"You're not too fresh yourself, Bluebell."

She slapped him on the shoulder before snuggling back down into his amazing bed. The mattress was like sleeping on a cloud and his duvet was similar to being wrapped in a giant marshmallow.

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