Sunday 2nd December [Marinette]

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As Marinette boarded the train she felt as though she was escaping prison early on good behaviour. Finally she was on her way back home. Finally she was a fully trained Guardian and she couldn't be more thrilled. She was going home three hundred and one days after she left. She'd missed out on so much.

When she'd entered the temple on her first day of training she was stripped back to basics. The only things allowed in with her, were the Guardian box, her clothing and toiletries, and one home memorabilia. She'd chosen a picture of her friends. She missed them so much.

She was unable to contact anyone but her parents through a system they called Magic Mail. Her phone had been disintegrated out of existence. No technologies were allowed for the safety and secrecy of the Miraculous. She always knew her life wasn't normal, not since the day she met Tikki and was taken down by a boy in a black cat suit, but suddenly it took on a whole new meaning.

The night before Marinette left Paris she dropped a note explaining everything to Chat. After all he would be taking the role as main hero of Paris and it wouldn't have been fair to leave her partner without him knowing. She had been allowed to tell one Miraculous holder and her parents. That was it! If she hadn't have been able to tell Chat she could imagine feeling a lot different about her return. He was her best friend, her partner, her confident and her soul mate. She understood that now.

Marinette had to be covered just incase search parties were sent out after her. As Marinette looked out at the fields flashing past her, she remembered how that conversation had gone with her parents. To say they were shocked when she revealed she was the masked heroine, Ladybug, then that would definitely be an understatement. They freaked out! Big time! She was worried her papa was going to have a heart attack and end up in hospital.

She remembered how they constantly asked hundreds of questions; had she ever been hurt? Who else knows? Who's Chat Noir? Did she love him? ... She wished she could answer this question so much. Marinette wished she knew who her kitty was, She was so desperate to jump into his arms and give him a hug. It had been too long since she'd felt his warmth.

She missed him so much and couldn't wait to see him again! They'd gone from four years of seeing each other everyday and fighting alongside each other to no contact. The longer she was away, the more she missed him. Marinette missed her other friends too and hoped they would forgive her.

The Guardians were impressed with Marinette's skills, and it had taken six months less than expected to complete the master training. When she questioned it with the lead Guardian he'd expressed that she had incredible skill and would one day become a Master Guardian. Basically, it meant that she would remain Guardian in Paris, but if she wanted to have a second one, say a cute Kitty cat she'd been dreaming about, then he would become a Guardian too.

She didn't want to build her hopes up incase the next time she was called she failed the training, but if cat became Guardian too they could live together forever. They could have their three kids, a hamster and a nice house on the beach.

One of the most shocking trails came from holding Miraculous'. Most others could handle three or four, when it was realised how many powers Marinette could absorb at once they were shocked, especially as she could use them expertly and securely, especially when she linked with the mouse miraculous. As far as they knew, only a select few Miraculous holders in the past have had the skills to do it.

Apparently, Marinette's relationship with Chat was one of the main strengths to the skills. Even though most Ladybug and Chat Noirs end up as soul mates; her recent training showed that only selected couples can wield the miraculous', not all did it equally. The balance in Ladybug and Chat's relationship kept them strong, fierce and undefeated. Though it was never mentioned outright to her, it was hinted their connect was also strong out of transformation.

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