Rein of Terror

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     Iroh knocked gently on Kireina's chamber door before opening it

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     Iroh knocked gently on Kireina's chamber door before opening it. He was met with the teenager's back as she clipped the handmade necklace around her throat. She wore a set of Fire Navy garbs, a wise choice if she was going to sneak past hundreds of soldiers.

     "It is daybreak, Kireina. You must go now if you are to stop Admiral Zhao." Iroh spoke calmly. Rein nodded in response while holding the pendant between her fingers, a small content smile gracing her lips. "You shall row to shore with the crew and I. Together we will find Zhao and put an end to his reign of terror."

     "That would be a cool nickname for me. You're the Dragon of the West and I can be the Rein of Terror." Kireina giggled as she bundled her hair up into a high ponytail. Iroh chuckled and urged Rein to hurry up so they could get a move on.

     It was a short ride from the ship to land, the crew easily blending in with the rest of the soldiers invading the North Pole. Iroh grabbed Kireina by her wrist, which was now simply a scar, and yanked her into the nearest alley. "The Northern Water Tribe is very special Rein, they harbor the spirits of the ocean and moon here. Lucky for us, I think I know where that is."

     Kireina followed behind Iroh as he led them down street after street, doing their best to evade soldiers from both sides. Around every corner was another battle between nations and Kireina was finding it harder and harder not to jump in. Iroh could sense this and made sure to keep an eye on her at all times.

     Just as they reached a strange door carved into the ice, two Water Tribe warriors appeared, blocking their path. They held machetes in their hands and scowls on their faces.

     "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, ash makers." The taller man spoke, getting into a battle stance.

     "Was that supposed to be an insult? Either way I win, so I suggest you step out of my way before I burn your eyebrows off. Imagine your wives when you come home without brows, that'll be the real war." Rein spit, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not your enemy, just let me save the day and we can all go home happy."

     "Coming from the chick wearing a Fire Navy uniform! The only day you'll be saving is that of the Fire Nation's."

     Kireina stomped, sending a gust of wind at the duo's feet causing them both to topple over then bended some snow on top of them. "Who's Fire Nation again?"

     The warriors rapidly dug themselves out from under the snow pile and one lifted his machete at Kireina, threatening to stab her.

     "Gentlemen, Kireina, please." Iroh stepped between Rein and the two warriors. He motioned for the tribesman to lower his weapon to which he did, seeing Iroh as no threat. "She is the Ekkona."

     Kireina was shocked when the benders dropped to their knees before her with wide eyes. "Uh... Iroh, what are they doing?"

     "You are the Chosen One, Ekkona. We owe our lives to you-"

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