Little Birds

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    Rein and Zuko traipsed down the street behind Iroh who deemed himself the designated tour guide

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Rein and Zuko traipsed down the street behind Iroh who deemed himself the designated tour guide.

"Does he know where he's going?" Rein whispered to Zuko. The teen rolled his eyes and shook his head in annoyance. All he wanted was some alone time with his Reina but every day they had another person third wheeling. Whether it be Uncle Iroh or Jet and his misfits, they were never alone.

"Ah! Here we are!" Iroh cheered, gesturing to a quaint tea shop.

     "We walked all this way for tea? Iroh, no offense, but you literally just drank three cups this morning. You made us walk this far for more?" Kireina asked, exasperated. Much like Zuko, Rein simply wanted to be alone with her partner. They had so much to talk about but never any privacy to do so.

Iroh smiled wide at the two teens, "We are not here to drink, we are here to serve!"

Zuko's lips contorted quickly into a deep frown, his hand running exhaustedly down his face. "You want us to work here, don't you?"

"I've never had a job before but I can schmooze very well."

"Reina, you're okay with this?" Zuko asked her, bewildered.

She nodded, "Believe it or not Prince Zuko, regular people have to work in order to survive. Plus I need some money to buy a new garb, I'm getting weird looks walking around like this."

    "That is because you are wearing an underskirt as a top, Kireina." Iroh told her as if she didn't already know. She shot him a sarcastic look of thanks to which he smirked in return. "Before we enter, let us remember to leave our pasts at the door. We must blend in."

Iroh led the two teens into the small cafe, striking up conversation with the owner. Zuko and Rein stood quietly behind the adults, seemingly forgotten for a moment. Seizing the small opportunity, Zuko wrapped his arm around the multibender's waist, giving her hip a little squeeze. Kireina gazed up at him and smiled, a pink blush coating her cheeks.

    "Pao, I'd like to introduce you to my niece and nephew." Iroh began to speak, turning his attention to the lovers. Rapidly, upon hearing they were now related in this pretend world, the two separated. "This here is Lee and this is Kiki!"

    Kireina immediately slapped a hand over her mouth to keep herself from giggling. She had been given so many nicknames and alias' but Iroh calling her Kiki was the icing on the cake.

    Recovering from her small slip, Kireina reached her hand out to shake Pao's. "Good Afternoon Mr. Pao, it's a pleasure to meet you."

    Zuko speedily placed his hand in Pao's first, pushing Rein to revoke her hand. "Your establishment is beautiful, care to show me around?"

    Rein glared at Zuko in confusion before Iroh took her by the elbow and walked them to the side.

    "Kireina, darling, if we are to stay low we cannot have you revealing to everyone that you are the Ekkona. Do you not recall what happened at the monorail station?" Iroh spoke lowly.

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