An Ounce of Freedom

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     "Before you say anything, I didn't know I could do that

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"Before you say anything, I didn't know I could do that." Rein spoke the second Zuko pushed her into his room. He slammed the metal door shut behind them, his breathing becoming more and more ragged.

"You're the Avatar." Zuko said through gritted teeth, his back facing Rein.

She vigorously shook her head, "The monks said Aang was, I swear! I... I don't know how I did that back there. I just thought about all the times I've seen you fight and copied it, it just happened. I don't think I could do it again if I tried."

"The only person that can bend all the elements is the Avatar and that's a fact. Admit you're the Avatar!" He screamed, turning around to face Rein.

"I can't admit something that I don't even know is true!" She yelled back, standing her ground. "I've been frozen for a century, Zuko! Who knows what happened to me because of it!"

"I've had enough of your lies."

"I only lie to protect others." Rein sighed, leaning against the bedpost. "Zuko, if I was the Avatar, do you really think I would have voluntarily come with you? Sacrificed myself when I could have easily defeated you and your army? I came with you because my destiny is to protect my brother, it's just a shame that our destinies collide."

"What do you know about destiny? You know what real destiny is? Capturing the Avatar will restore my honor, will grant me my throne and I'll be the son my father always wanted." Zuko began to pace the room, his fingers flexing in and out of fists with every step.

Rein crossed her arms and looked down at her feet. "That sounds like a destiny thrown upon you by someone else. Your 'destiny' is you doing someone else's bidding; their dirty work. Or even better, it sounds like someone had a total lack of faith in you and sent you on a mission they knew you wouldn't succeed on. They sent you to fail Zuko, you can't see that?"

"You know absolutely nothing!" The Prince exclaimed, shooting fire around him angrily.

"I know you have anger issues and a God complex." Rein muttered in reply. "I know you're extremely close minded and refuse to listen to anything you're uncomfortable with." She approached Zuko, placing her hand on his arm gently, "Honor is not bestowed upon you by others, Prince Zuko, you make it yourself."

Zuko grew still under Rein's touch, relaxing almost. He couldn't help but let his guard down around Kireina, being near her made him lose control. She was stubborn yet wise, she annoyed him to no end but he couldn't help but enjoy it. He didn't want to admit it but he felt drawn to Rein, something deeper than physical. He quickly shoved her hand away to end the train of thought he was on.

"My brother is the Avatar, Zuko. Maybe while you search for him we can figure out what I am. The best way to find that out is by traveling the world, and hey, wow, here we are, navigating through the Earth Kingdom. Almost like I was meant to be here, if you ask me."

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