High Risk Traders

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      After another waterbending move gone awry and all of their belongings getting swept down the river, the group arrived at the nearby market in search of supplies

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After another waterbending move gone awry and all of their belongings getting swept down the river, the group arrived at the nearby market in search of supplies. Katara and Rein walked side by side along the stalls, pointing and giggling at the strange looking men that littered the streets. They couldn't help but stop at every shop and admire the unique items sold at each one although they only had three copper pieces.

The four of them approached the harbor where a tall, skinny man stood shouting about the nations. They were originally just going to walk by him and try to avoid his beady stare but the second the merchant saw them, he ran up in excitement.      "You there! I can see by your clothing that you're the world traveling types. Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?"

Rein was about to shake her head and politely tell him no before her overly enthusiastic brother chirped, "Sure! What are curios?"

The merchant blinked, "I'm not entirely sure, but we got 'em!" He grabbed Aang and dragged him to his ship, muttering nonsense as they walked.

Rein shrugged and nonchalantly followed behind them with Sokka and Katara on her trail. They all gasped upon entering the strange shop, trinkets and antiques from around the globe crowded the boat, piquing all of their interests.

While snooping around, Kireina noticed a strange man hiding in the shadows, watching the four of them as they shopped. "Is there a reason you're creepily watching us?" She questioned, crossing her arms.

He chuckled before stepping into the light, revealing himself and the weird reptile bird on his shoulder.      "Just keepin' an eye on my merchandise, missy. Don't trust youngin's in my shop."

"Damn, guess I can't steal that bejeweled monkey then." She replied snarkily. "If you don't trust us in here, you should train your employee to not invite teenagers into your place. Either he's a horrible worker or you're a horrible boss."

"Look at this, Aang!" Katara called, breaking the staredown Rein was having with the intimidating man. "It's a waterbending scroll. Check out these crazy moves."

"Where did you get a waterbending scroll?" Aang asked.

The man snatched the scroll from Katara and rolled it up, "Let's just say I got it up north at a most reasonable price-- free!" He put the scroll back in it's rightful place.

"What a minute... sea-loving traders, with suspiciously acquired merchandise and pet reptile birds? You guys are pirates!" Sokka yelped.      "We prefer to think of ourselves as high-risk traders." The skinny pirate joked, throwing an arm around Sokka and jabbing his chest with his finger.

"Alright well it was nice chatting with you both but we should get going. Don't trust elderly men staring at me." Rein mocked the owner, earning a growl from the older pirate. They bid farewells and exited the ship. Rein hooked her arm around Katara and pulled her away from the two boys. "You took that scroll didn't you?"

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