The Blue Spirit

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     Hours passed, leaving the siblings to concoct a plan of escape

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Hours passed, leaving the siblings to concoct a plan of escape. Aang noticed his sister's head was still bleeding and her words were beginning to slur together. He knew if they didn't stitch it up soon, she was going to lose too much blood and pass out.

A grunt was heard from the other side of the door, causing Rein and Aang to freeze in their restraints. There were sounds of a struggle and Rein felt her heart speed up in anxiousness. She felt completely helpless and weak in the chains, granted, she still used her attitude and sharp tongue as a weapon but it wasn't enough to save herself from Zhao. Frankly, it was just a means to piss him off.

After a few more thuds, it grew silent until the large metal door slid open, revealing a masked assailant. Kireina gasped, she had seen that mask before but couldn't pinpoint where. Aang on the other hand, let out a scream of terror as the masked figure charged at him with two swords held in the air.

"Don't hurt him!" Rein screamed, rattling her chains to distract the person. "Kill me instead!"

The man stopped cold in his tracks and stared at Rein, he hesitated before swinging his swords at her. She winced, preparing herself for death.

"No!" Aang cried out.

The two were left in shock once the masked man broke Kireina free of her restraints instead of viciously killing her. He wasn't a bad guy, he was there to rescue them but who could it be? Aang had told Rein that Sokka and Katara were sick, so it obviously wasn't them. And Zuko had no idea that Rein was even taken, he probably thought she was still in her room.

The man moved onto Aang next, slicing his chains clean off his body. "Who are you? What's going on? Are you here to rescue us?"

The masked figure waved at the siblings to follow him out the door.

"I'll take that as a yes." Kireina muttered, trailing behind Aang as he ran to catch up with their savior. As they left the room, they were met with multiple downed guards, all gagged and tied up or hung from the rafters. They yelled from behind their gags, eyes bulging out as they watched their prisoners escape. Rein crouched down next to one, "I can only imagine how useless you feel right now."

"Not the time Rein!" Aang called from ahead. "Let's go!"

She groaned and sprinted after them, catching up seconds later. They were led into the underground sewage lines, sneaking through the murky water right underneath all the soldiers' noses. When the time was right, the man motioned Aang and Rein to lift themselves from the sewer and bolt into the courtyard shadows. Her brother was first to the escape rope hanging from wall, climbing up it with great speed followed by Rein and then their rescuer.

Suddenly, alarms started blaring and a guard pointed and shouted, "There! On the wall!" Shortly after the rope was sliced and the three fugitives plummeted towards the stone ground beneath them. With seconds to spare, Aang released a gust of air to cushion their fall. Rein sent a nod of approval towards her brother and they all began charging to the open gate, dodging the Fire Navy left and right.

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