Team Sokka

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     "I really don't understand how you guys were able to build a temple in a volcano, like how is it still standing? You're telling me no one fell into this lava? It's not like there's railings or anything either- someone definitely has died here

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"I really don't understand how you guys were able to build a temple in a volcano, like how is it still standing? You're telling me no one fell into this lava? It's not like there's railings or anything either- someone definitely has died here."

"What part of don't draw attention to us did you not understand? Shut up, Reina!" Zuko shouted through gritted teeth.

"There's literally no one here. Stop being so paranoid, we can easily take anyone that tries to stop us. We're like superheros but just doing a bad deed." Rein continued her rambling.

"So supervillains?"

Rein scrunched her nose up at his response. "No-"

"I'm trying to kidnap the Avatar and you're along for the ride, I don't see how we're heroes at all in this situation."

"I'm here to make sure you don't kill my brother! I really just came to stop your dumb plan." Rein chuckled, throwing random pebbles into the lava. Before she knew it, she was pushed up against the volcanic rock, her hands pinned on either side of her. Zuko's face neared Rein's, his eyes narrowed into slits and jaw clenched.

"If you get in my way, you will regret ever coming with me in the first place." Zuko growled. He gripped onto her wrists tighter, slowly turning up the heat.

Rein struggled to escape from his hold, her healing skin still tender to the touch. She was filled with fear when Zuko's eyes darkened from their natural honey color to a deep black. Kireina had seen this look before on the night she first met the Fire Lord's son, the night he scarred her permanently just as his father did to him. The heat and smoke that filled the air made it hard for her to breathe, let alone airbend and she still hadn't quite mastered the art of firebending. She felt hopeless.

"Zuko, you're burning me." Rein whispered, clenching her teeth as the pain worsened. It was as if the Prince had zoned out, pure anger flashed through his eyes that were solely focused on Rein. "Zuko!"

It was like screaming at a wall. Rein fought against him but he was dead weight, she was no match for him. The smell of burning flesh filled the air, drowning out the original smell of magma and ash. Kireina, now covered in sweat and tears, began screaming for help and thrashing around. She kicked and jumped but it was useless, she had to break him from his trance.

So she tilted her head up and pressed her lips to Zuko's, praying that this would bring him back.

Almost immediately the burning heat from his grip lessened and Kireina took this opportunity to rip her wrists away from Zuko and push him roughly away from her. She cradled her limbs in her torso, sobbing as the pain refused to subside. The firebender stood in shock, his eyes wide and jaw slacked.

"Reina I-"

"Don't." She spit back, cutting his apology short. "Don't call me that. Don't look at me, don't touch me, don't talk to me. Just don't."

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