Chapter Twenty Five

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A/N AAAA I'm so sorry it was almost late! I was just getting everything perfect, this is a very important chapter after all~

Warnings: I get into some very mild and poetically inspired descriptions of miscariage in this chapter. If anyone has problems with these things I warn you to take caution. A/N over.


China put his tea down on the table with a soft clink, and when Russia glanced up from his own to check on him and answer with a soft hum, he saw that there was clearly something wrong in his eyes. He was thinking about something, and he was thinking hard, almost as if he wasn't sure how to proceed after he had gotten the other man's attention.

"Да?" Russia responded.

Sweet and simple, just a comfortable little way to answer a question that wasn't really a question.

China looked a little worried as he breathed in, carefully phrasing his next few words as if trending on eggshells. Before Russia even had the chance to process the words he felt himself frowning. Why did he seem so worried and so cautious of his words? Weren't they supposed to get along now? Was he still so untrustworthy that words had to be planned in a conversation between them as friends?

Russia bit his lip as China spoke, but he was careful not to let his mind drift, these words had to be important if China looked so uncomfortable as he spoke them.

"How much... how much time are you spending with America lately aru?"

Russia's eyebrows raised, he had been thinking that this question would be a lot worse, "Why do you want to know? I think it's a rather healthy amount after such a violent war, if you're worried about that,"

China nodded slowly, as if taking this information and wondering how to turn it into another question. Russia swallowed, whenever Ukraine was trying to politely get information out of him she did the same thing, not that they were able to talk much recently, or even for a while before that. All he hoped was that China wasn't about to be angry at him or something, or gods forbid, have found out about his stalker-like tendencies. (That would explain why he would ask about America, as America was technically a part of the operation. Still, Russia hoped it was not so.)

"So..." China started again, "have you, uhm, been talking to England much?"

Russia blinked, trying to remain with his permentanty innocent looking smile despite the deep worry that was now coursing through his bloodstream, "I've talked to him for work and things, just as normal, have you?"

That last bit was a genuine question, he did honestly wonder if they had spoken recently. It was a mostly non-invasive inquiry, with nothing to do with their operation, because he seriously wondered if China had been talking to his old allies much. Until recently Russia had not been, probably because he had been the direct perpetrator of America's rage, and the one that the remaining 'allies' from their Allied Powers group had been fighting so much. Of course, now that he was forced to think about it, China had also not been on the 'good' side in that war, as the winners had written them out to be equally as evil as their bosses. This was both unfair and mostly incorrect, so it came as an interesting idea that China and England would talk to each other on peaceful terms.

But still, it was worrying to think that perhaps England had told him about their investigation. It wasn't that far out from a sane thought (as Russia congratulated himself for so rarely) and because of this the mere idea was enough to make him angry at the blond already, even though he knew it probably wasn't the case.

Russia was so deep in thought that he almost didn't catch China's response.

"I haven't, no, I was just wondering if you have, since I've been seeing you near each other a lot more after meetings aru... the same with you and that American," He clicked his tongue, looking up at Russia, and for a moment the taller man thought he caught a glimpse of anger in his normally bright golden eyes, now tinted to an orange with what appeared to be red.

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