Chapter 30 - Confession

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Saturday, January 14 --- 12:30p.m.

Grace could faintly hear sirens in the distance. At first she was relieved that help was coming, until she realized her position. Here she was, with a guy whose mask she had cut up, laying on the ground in pain, while she was holding an opened pocket knife. Things would not look good for her if any of them saw her like this. Her next instinct was to run, but she knew that running would do no good. It would only make her look more suspicious. Grace kicked Ryan, trying to make sure he was still breathing.

"Good luck getting out of this mess," he smirked.

"Ryan, why did you do this?" Grace asked, curiosity burning through her. "All of it."

Their time where they could talk was running out as the sirens came closer.

"For you."

"No, you didn't," Grace wanted to scream, but didn't since the cops were rapidly approaching she settled for talking loudly. "If you really wanted to do something for me, you would have let me be with who I really loved, not forcing me to be with you."

"Why do you love him so much?"

"He didn't shove me when he was angry, he didn't pay me money to hold hands or kiss him or go on date with him, he didn't pressure me to do anything I didn't want to do, he was grateful towards me, he didn't use me to become more popular...he was just a good person, unlike you."

"I did it for revenge. It was because of him that you decided to break up with me."

"No, I did it because you were abusive and I see that hasn't changed since I last saw you. You do realize how miserable I was with you, right?"

"Yes, and I don't care. The only important thing about you was your status. He took you, and hence your status, away from me, all because you think he might have loved you. I doubt he did. How could anyone love you?"

"Here's a better question: how could anyone love you? As for me, I know that Naf loves me and that's all the love I need. Who cares if anyone else does?"

"You. You love Edward don't you? That much hasn't changed. That's why when I threatened him, you were so willing to go."


"No, I just know the truth. Give it up, he'll never love you."

By this time the cops were almost there. Grace, who was still holding the knife, let it fall to the ground and quickly walked away, being careful not to run. If they dusted the knife, they would see both sets of fingerprints on it and it was very likely she would go to jail. Then she was sure both Naf and Edward would hate her. Then they would go on to reveal they were in love with each other while she was stuck behind bars and powerless to stop them or tell Edward how she felt. Tears pricked her eyes as she walked. Thankfully, the cops did not try to stop her and let her walk inside the hospital. Loud sniffles could be heard as she wiped her tears on her sleeve.

"Not to worry Mrs. Wright," Grace could hear as she opened the door. "I'm sure she'll show up soon."

Grace gave a small smile. Naf had already been looking for her. Thrilled to see Nafratearie again and know she was alright, Grace ran towards her. When Naf heard those footsteps, she knew whose those must be. Turning around, she smiled and gave Grace, who melted into her arms, a warm hug.

"I knew you'd be alright," Naf whispered into her ear and Grace chuckled. "Never scare me like that again."

"I won't," promised Grace. "How's Edward?"

Letting go of their hug, Nafratearie continued her conversation with Grace.

"Miserable. He's been crying over you ever since he ran off with you and when I had to leave him, so I could report you as missing to the hospital, who would then take it from there and tell the police, he looked so heartbroken."

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